United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1921)

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j eS6e4. bad _ with the Jane of Grant Britain, ae ntl cat-temn. 40 anda ont — ’ Productions in the British Isles. It was agreed *>*t they might use such part as they@daem ad nac essary, of the monies in the Guarant ce Trust Company in the name of this Corporation, and received from ME. , Ore = pursuant to the Contract petween nr. st se 5. Te as . — Sl careiahinerted pape : @ Corpotation,’ which contract Mr. Greenhill defaulted. Yr. Banzhaf stated that Ur. Griffith would not enter into a con= tract for the present, to market his Productions.in the British Tsles* hovevSry Wf. Griffith was agreemble thot the aforesaid monies depos1084 the Quarantee Trust Company might b2 used to organize and finance such Foreign Corporations. Mr. Burkan made 4 similar statement with reference to Hr. Charles Chaplin. ’ ° ~ Resolution was made, seconded and carried that ths United Artists Corporation be re~imbursed from the aforestated mages? in the Guertantse Trust Company, @or all axp anditiires made by this Corporation relative to tha aforesaid contract made with hr. Greenhill, including expenses incurred by hr. Abrams, President, and tir. O'Erien, Coneul, vy théir trip to Burope and returns 4150 transportation of prints, cost of Cables and telegrame employment, and payment of cons] in” London and thot portion of Mr. O'Brian's ealary which was paid by the Unit ad Artists Corporation for the t murep ee trips ur. O' Prien was authorized to negotiate for attorneys for this foreign organization, to take care of the copyrighting of our Pictures in those territoriss& ° lr. Abrams and ir. O'Brien wete authorized to negotiate, as comiittee, contract for motion picture basai upon the *Tailof Nade Man *"3aleo contracts for George Arliss and for Rex Beach Productions. Mr, O'Brien wag authoriged to prepare proper instructions for ies _ ets Guadella, Jacobson $ are. zelative to. me. onganieation: of the |