United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1924)

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We, the undeféigned, being 611 the atveetors of tie UBRITED garters CORPORATION, do hereby cell « special. meeting’ of the directors of said Company to be held on the 29th aay of January, 1924 at 2 o'clook in the afternoon at the office of said Compenyyet No. 7297th Avenue, in the GOity of New York, State of New York for the purpose of voting upon a proposition to enter into a contract with ALLIED PRODUCERS & DISTRIBUZGHS— CORPORATION by which the UNIT=D ARTISTS CORPORATION shall a come the assignee of all the wntracts heretofore made by the — oe ALLIRD PRODUCERS & DISTRIBUTORS CORPORATION for the distritu= tion of photoplays, and to conduct anyother business ——— which may come before the meeting, ana we do, and each of, —— subsoribers does hereby waive the giving of notice of —— required by law, and waive any and all other — pro ⸗ requisites to such meeting. : | IN WITNESS WUEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands — and seals this 29th day of January, wets