United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1924)

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$i | photeplays,. ond further egrees to assume and perform a1] of the oblimtions, terns, conditions aud provisions sonteined in fatere — contracts to be mnde by Altap with owners. \WIvap specifically | agrees to assume and perfors in partiouler ell of the oblisetions of ALLISD relative to the advertisingy m=rketing,and 4istvibating cf the verious photopleys procured by ALLISD, snd to assume and perform all of te obligtions of ALLIZ) relative to the payment of moneys due the owners of seid photeplays, and to pay those — — ALxaqt to the owners of the photoplays as and when due parsuant to their contracts. — — ) AI does hereby grant unto UNITED the further right, privilege end power to use the name of ALLIED in all cont racts : made by UNISZD for the exhibition of the aforescia photopla ys, | and in all contrasts enterea inte relative te the business of . AULTSD, giving and granting unto UNITED full power end authority — ———— ey Oe ee seen os UNITED, in ite judgment, may from time to tim deternine. x 4ll moneys derived fren the license to use each of the = = aforeseid photoplays for exhibition purpeses are to be sellected by UBIPED, end USITED agrees to pay therefrom to the owner of each photoplay the share of the gross receipts te which such omer is entitled parsuint to the terns of * comtract for the — — — —— — — — aiate Soution of the said photoplay. further egrees to pey to ALLIED one percent (1%) of the earned grove reeeipts froa exhibiters for ths ase-of the eforessid photepis ys in the united = x States (ef smariene the Detates of #12 eaah senegn ai