United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1924)

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— ats Bhoula ) * = be —— to retutn ony or —F te amd be regeined by UNITED a8 ond for ite compensation for the | eervices to be rendered by it in connect fon with the distribution _ of seid photoplays. . POUESH: (a) UNITED agrees with reasomble dispateh to marret, distribute and release photopleya secured by ALLIED upon such * teres, in such mnner, and through such agencies as it shell doom advisable; and ALLIgD agrees to eocept the decision of UNITED 88 to terms, manner, and sgencies of distrivation———————— (>) SEIZED agrees to meep true ana sccurste booxs of — account of the items of al] busimees transactions regarding the marceting, éistribating, exhibiting ani releasing for exhibition « Pusyomes of each of coversé ty this agreement in the principal office of St 729 Seventh avenue, Sorough ee of immhatten, Mow York City, which shall be open for inspéetion — at aia times by or ite dul} euthorizes ona socredi tec <a representatives. . | , (¢) URITBD agree’ to properly osre for the negetives of the aforesaid photoplays in —— vaults, exoept et such times ae it 1s necessary to have then resoves for tho purpose of ming —— of seme; and to return such nogetives end an positive oopies end still megetives in existence upon the expiration of the respective period of the licenses of each of Such photoplays” ae ‘he dvoner ferainstion of this contract, te ALLIGD, the negetives to be in the sumd condition as when delivered subject to reasonable wear and tear ccessioned by