United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1928)

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oe a" a 7 oe : t ae > — od ; i , | ite * ; “ * a ~~ : as i ~y-4 . “WINUTTS OF SPECIAL UTcPENG OF BOArD OF oIPEéToORS eer “ or + Lanne SETTED-aNE L98e-CORPORATION Se > Was ha. Com Gg Cllhehds 2 — ~ 6 o 5 J’ a . : " : Ds ae Special vesting of the Doar? of Directors of United artiste Corporation ae held on friday smorniag, warch 23, 1928, st 9:20 pursuant to sotices Toperly acd duly sent to escoh seeber of the Board of Directcore by the asietant Tecretery, “re =. A. Deach. ae — e here sere oresent Ure Ndthean Surkam, ur. Jarry ©. Suckley, Wre Ae Me Teo: enzhaf, Yr. Janee A. “ulvey, Yr. “est Sayfack, and there was aleo present Fe Arthur ". *clly Yice-President and treasurer, snd “r, Al Lichtesa ice-iresident an! “enerel Nunagcer of Mistribution. the absence of a Joreph ¥. Teatock, “hairean of the “onrd of TirsetoPs, a eotion was aie, Secondet, snd unaniscusly adopted that vr. Osnmnis *. —'Srien set 2 Chadreaa of the seotiig. -Yre Ae 7 Manghaf ecte? as Secratary. fF. O'Brien inforp@ the ceeting of we newe of the death of Yreo herlotte ickfard Seith, morn generally as lotts Pickferd, an¢ xoressions of tribute and cereonal regard fot Wre. Pic¥ford as an moortect factor in the Gevetepeeat of the new era of aotion picture , e mited artiste Coroorstion frog ite begining of fhich axe was one of te illuetrous fouiers ware made Ly “ach of t'# <catlesen oreesat. | ‘ AX FOLLOSING {SOLUTION TAS YADE,—SeONNTD, had CNANTEONZEY andPTEo: z met or. \arry >. ‘uckiey be directed to aserftein fros sr. Joeeph i. onenck tue hour of ths funeral servics of tre. not'a recene in the uctivities of all of the f tav Corporation throughout the “nited * ifteen ‘15) minutéee that toey say Day. Ta, Pickford, te ting tribute to the semory of 42 FOLLOSING RESOLUTION SAS 4D", CRCOEDED, and UNAEDOUSLY aDIPT=D:. hat the Seard of Directora of the “‘mitel Artists “orporation aserabled he etockholdere and officers of the Corporation, the folloring: “1. That CRARLOTT® PIcrpoen Suits, known cenerally as = CHAPLOTTS BICYPORD, died on Yareh 2let, 1928-at Severly ~ Wille, California; — = oo a. That she sas one of the Foumtiers of, and fom ite degianing, = 4&8 %8Foest ant helpful Director of the "nite? artists Corpor tion, ant wae intimetely associate? with ant actively sagaged in tho Seveloosant of the asp era of the «ction ciceture Bumlnese; ond wae prior therete o rell<-known actrese of the spoken drama; . 4 3. That sho poseensod sterling and lowable qualities which ncaa Ur to her sstociates and to the cany persens whom ane oMEFieated: