United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1936)

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MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS oF UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION.” The Beard of Directors of United Artists Corporation met in regular session, pursuant to the attached waiver of 5 notice, as provided for in the By-Laws, at the hour of ~—""Bi00 ofclock P. M., on Tuesday, June 2nd, 1936, at 1041 North Formosa Avenue, Hollywood, California. Upon roll call it was ascertained that Directors —_——— Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks ond Abraham Lehr were present. There were also present, Loyd Wright, Secretary of the corporation,’ and Leo F. Samuels. ee The Sec, «tary presented tothe Board a request that he ; had received from the New York office, witn reference to the | corporetion placing itself under the regime provided by Article Six of the Treaty signed between France and the United States of America, winks date of April 27th, 1932. After discussion it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried as follows: : ae RESOLVED, that it is to the interest of the company to place itself under the regime peorsee’ by Article ~ Six of the Treaty signed between France and the United States of America, under date of April 27th, 1982; RESOLVED, that Mr. Arthur W. Kelly, Vice-President of < the above named company, be authorized, and he is hereby 2 authorized to make all necessary Declarations to French Fiscal 4uthorities, and in _ Declarations provided in Artigle