United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Nov 1940)

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D.M. ‘2. 1/2/40 . az Jaye ROOSEVELT (Distribution Contract) The Generel Menager reporteé that ne het concluded ne| gotiations with James Roosevelt for the distribution of @ limited -group of nighscless_festure chotopieys. The General Meneger Ten tionea to the directors present thet their respective stockholders, —————— namely, Mery Pickford,the lete Douglas Feirbanks, Cherles Cheplin end Alexander Korda were wholeheartedly for the deal. Upon motion Guly made, seconded and adopted By ell i 4 present, it was RESOLVED, thet either the General Menecer, or any Vice-President of the corporation be and he hereby is authorized to executes on behelf of the corvoratgon «4 distribution erreement with James Roosevelt in form to be epproved by counsel for the corvoretion. The Generel Menager wes then instructed to telegraph Mr. Roosevelt thet the Directors had anproved the deal. ‘ 2. JOHN BUTLER (Distribution Request) 3 The Generel “anager reported thet he had received e distribution request from one John Butler, but upon investigation it wes his recommendetion that the reouest be turned down. S. RE: ENGLISH AND EXPORT CORPORATIONS (Representation) The General “anacer reported that the Estete of Dougles : Feirbanks néd requested that Mr. Guedella be elected to the Boards of the Snglish and Export Corporstions in the place of the late Dougles Fairbanks; that notiee hed been sent to Mr. Guedelle who hed egreed to accept same. RESOLVED, unenimously, that the English and Export i Companies be requested to elect Mr. Guedalla ae director of each. . nag Se —. S ee 2 iv PS Le a hee Age) aE