United Artists Corporate Minutes (Mar-Dec 1943)

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MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEFTING OF STOCKHOLDERS or ‘ UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION. Pursuant to notice given by the Assistant Secretary, by order of the President, the stockholders of United Artists Corporation met in annual meeting on Monday, May Zrd, 1943, ‘&t the hour of 3:00 o'clock P. M., at 1040 North Las Palmas, Los Angeles, California. Upon roll call, the following stockholders were found to be present either personally or by proxy: The Pickford Corporation, by Mary Pickford, its proxy; Vanguard Films, Inc., by David 0. Selznick and Daniel Tf. O'Shea; Charles Chaplin, by Charles Schwartz; Alexander Korda Piim Productions, Limited, by Mendel Silberberg, its proxy, and also by Edward C. Raftery and Arthur Kelly, as proxy for the said Alexander Korda by agreement dated November Ri, 1942. There were also present the following: Gradwell Sears, George L. Bagnall and Loyd Wright. zs By consent of all present, the President, Mr. Raftery, assumed the chair and Mr. Wright, the Secretary, acted as secretary of the meeting. The secretary Stated that he held the affidavit signed by the Assistant Secretery of the corporation, attesting the fact that he had given due call of the meeting, and that said