United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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COTES 27 MEETING CP SE Mae CF DEE —__ 2 Be Ss eee & tegclar seetiag of tie Mearé cf Directors of Taltet Artists Sorperssics was beld at “he sflice of the ¢orporstica, 7H Sevecth Averue, Rew Tort. Hew fort. Somer. Berek 15, 1S ot 11 A ac. Eatery sctet as Casirean and Mr. Muller acted as Secretary. + Ea 7 ees The peeting mus called purweset to telegraphic actice attached to tes glaowies . 2 os pes ees — ~. Because the wloctes of the Jamuary 3th, 1345 eeeting were sent to all ficecters amd stoexieléders, spon scticn Guly wade, seconded and =nanincusly cacTiet, the reading of wetd silicates was (ispeceed with. wm _———. The Chairman explaiced that Mr. Sageall and he attended a private Seetiag with Er. stems ‘os Vashingtoo oe Toersédazy. March 15th. and oo Priday, eect Lith, Er. Agew and be attended « public meeting in Sashingtee of the iutuetery strisery Committee. At these seetings be learned that Mr. sjams bas