United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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-6The Chairman also stated -that the following pictures were completed bat undelivered: SPELLBOURD PARIS UNDERSROURD G.I.J0B CAPTAIN KIDD The Chairman also stated that the following pictures were actually shooting at the present time; YOUNG WIDOW DUEL IN THE SUN GETTING GERTIZ'S GARTER The three pictures listed as in the shooting stage were part of the list of 22 pictures referred to by Mr. Bagnall. The Chairman reported with respect to each of the producers as ‘follows: | td." tke The contract provides for a minimm of nine pictures and a maximum of fifteen over a period of not less than three nor more than five yearr, be ginning March 9, 1943. Thus far two pictures have been delivered JOHNNY COME LATELY and BLOOD ON THE SUN. Wo problem. EDWARD SMALL PRODUCTIONS, INC. a The contract expires September 8, 1955. The latest amendment provides for not less than two pictures nor more than six per year starting July 1, 1943 at Sliding Scale terms for United States, Canada and Ingland and standard teres for the rest of the world, provided the average cost per picture is $600,000. ® IW MABSEL'S ROOM, ABROAD WITH TWO YANKS and BHEWSTER'S MILLIONS were de livered under this arracgement and Mr. Small has stated that the costs now on his books of two of these pictures is very close to $600,000., The Chairman $5: a that he told Mr. Small'o representative, Mr. Walker, that he would not ? ~~ recommend any better terms than 25% in the United States, Canada and England