United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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-& to HI DIDDLE DIDDLE, the producer has delivered SENSATIONS OF 1945 and BEDSIDE MANNER. The Chairman stated that ur. Adams has declared this grotuser to be a one picture producer. The Chairman stated that we must take up this producer's option for the ‘next year if we still want him and Managesent wants hia. Mr. Mille moved that Management be authorized in its discretion to accept the option to extend the agreement for mother year. Mr. Pennypacker seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. ZULES LEVEY Mr. Levey has delivered one and this contract has two years to go. MASTER PRODUCTIONS, INC. (Sol Lesser) This contract covers the poe ae A PAMILY which has been delivered. Mr. Lesser would like a two picture a year deal for two or three years. Mr. Mills moved that Management be authorized to make a distritmtion contract covering not less than one nor more than three pictures per year at terms of 75-25 for United States, Canada and England and standard terms in other foreign territories for not more than three years. Mr. Pennypacker seconded the motion and it was carried unentnously’. SALZAY CORPORATION This Streamliner contract has expired. The present contract covers "THE GREAT JOHN L* which has deen delivered at 72}-27% tergs. Upor the-reeommendation of Management, Mr. Mills moved that Vice-President George Bagnall be authorised to negotiate and consummate a one picture deal on the same terms and conditions.as the last one. Mr. Mills seconded the motion which was carried aa PRODUCING ARTISTS, INC. This contract covers not less than one picture nor more than three during each year of a three year period commencing April 1, 1944 at standard 75-25 terms. David Loew has deen in this situation. Qne picture was