United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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oll collateral position is protected and provided Mr. Calvert is irrevocably suthorised to contiaue as producer's representative of this pictuers. Er. Millis seconded the sotics, which was wuanisously carrie. SME BITS Mr. Bromstce recently suffered a stroke and is temporarily peralyscet. Gowerer, be expects to come to New I-rk in the sear fctare. The Levis Milestone picture, A WALK IB THE SUB was foreclosed ty the financial backers of this picture. It is possible for us to wake @ distribution deal with the people who foreclosed this picture. Mr. Bromston is working on a deal wherety he nay re-acquire the picture. Mills aevel thet the mutter te Catieg pending further information. far. ew seconde’ the sotice and it was carried waanisously. Tite respect to Mr. Bromston's picture, TH LITTLZ INDIANS, this wes produced ty Eéward Pescay apd the financial backer, Mr. Popkiz. Twentieth Century-Fox is to distribute this pictare bat there is ao raw stock srailabdic for it. ot . 23s i BSE PARIS TEDERGMUED is sade. Ho protlie. swim Tha 2ST FB, The British Pictures. AgB ioe 5 Fos Te Tilgeg. Eo protiea. La Ss es Mr. Agnew stated that be understood that we would accept *TEZ > OUTLAN" for distribation provided it received a Code Seal without any cuts or eliminations. The Chairman explained thet there was one 4istribeticon contract with Sughes Tool Tompany cyvering TEE OTLAE ant & separate distribeticn ccstract with California Promctions covering two Preston Sturges pictures, an4 wader the contract covering TEE OUTLAN we wuld have to gccept the picture