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for Gistribatias if the cuts required Wy censors were withic reaest and left
tee picture with so coutiouity o& story.
Tals corperstics sade EVICEZSS°CiE= Sita’. It reqeests pemeiee. ca te sell the 1 mm. rigots. It appears thet <he temx will. short aboet $25,000 of recovering its loa aeé ary sfiiticusl mousy receired for 16 mx. rigste will belp to Sis shortage. Mr. Bilis sovei that we cooperate in this wstter. ur. pa the motion aed it was carried uzarimusiy. This corporstia: bat = deal Sér five pictares acd it expired Jamuary 1, 1545. [It tae spent cons idegitle money with respect to future pictures a4 Mr. Bagnall telleves that i¢ be wise for us to extend the presest comtract to cover ose picters to discharge s peesitle soral cbiigstics. The profucer cam protably gst rew stocs for cae picture. Mr. Sagesll moved that the proper officers of the corperatice be autborized te extend this agreement for cue picture to December Zl, 1345 provided ail the apprevals now i= the existing comtrect are retsained is the extended nqgtenct. Er. Agvew seconéed the ectice and it wee carried usanincusiy.
ims taken ist: open partsership bis former silest partrer Sem Denbow. They are desirms of making @ fistribetice contract with us t eqver S2LamrsSt IS SOLLTWD and TEE LIVE OF SMT GEES. cue picture wold be made is 1545 amd the other is 1546, United Artists Corpommtice to bere approval of cast, = @tceters. After comsiterstle tiscussian, Er. Hills sacred thst the corporsticn quter into @ distri Dctice cattrect with Bétweri Golée: ant Sam DesBow or their . Corporation for 6 picture tc be tesed upan the redis progres formerly known os BERALTAS: A¢ SAGDI'S, now peme= as SZRAEPAST [5 DLLTOOD. to star or feature Pom Bresenms, Usited Artists Corporstion to have cust acd story sppreval, an the 2es plus stanéert teres. Mr. Dentact seconded the ecticn aed it wus carried wear sccusly.