United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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mae “> Mr. Mdems state’ further that he would act have the facility to police the allocation of file used ty United Artists producers. Therefore, he arrmged with Mr. Raftery to have our employee, Earl Denison, go out to California to reep sacndiie pertaining to rew stock. Mr. Denison will keep a daily ramming record of the file used im profuction each day. Every tine an spplication is made, a certification aust be given showing the footage and other pertinent data. Mr. Denison will also try to set up a music and effects library. In answer to s question concerning the relationship between producer and United Artists Corporation with respect to raw stock, the Chairman explained that all allocation of film has been taken away from United Artists Corporation and the producers have all mate applications directly for their own raw stock alloteents. 4. BOQSTIC amp FOREIGN BaczLogs There were then distrituted to the directors present the following Domestic Backlog at March 24, 1945 (Dased on pictures currently in release without taking forthcoming productions into account). Poreign Department Backleg as at Merch 5, 1945 (based on pictures which have actually been delivered to United Artists Corporation for foreign distribution). Im enewer to an inguiry the Chairman stated that he estimated that the domestic gross for the year 1545 would be $22,000,000. ait 5. BEBESTER'S MILLIONS The Chairman reported that BREWSTER'S MILLIONS had been banned in Memphis, Tenn. and in connection therewith the Chairman read a telegram which was signed by Elmer Rice, Chairman National Council on Freedom from Censorship and by John Haynes Holmes, Chairman of Board of American Civil Liberties Union. 6. ZXEANCLAL BEPoRTs There were then distrituted to the directors present the following reporte,a”