United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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= sz 2 ae Estinsted Borlé-fiie Profit end Loss for the Fine Weeks ending Marca 3, 1546. Comdensed Operating Statement (Foreign coly) for the Nine seeks endieg March 3. 1345. Monthly CaBled Egport for the Eine Seeks ending March 3, 1546. Is euewer to an inquiry, the Giairme stated that he estinated the foreign grows for the year 1345 would be $12,000,000 and the world-wide profit $2,000,000. 7. Sat Semers ~ Fee cares The Ghairean stated that he hee bad mectings with Sap Brickiz who is esccciated vith Frank Caprs. Mr. Briskis advised him that Mr. Capra is about “te come out of the Army and he is negotiating with Joo Rosenberg of Beak of america for a revolving credit to cover two pictures a year. The willisgess or mmwillingness of United Artists Corporation te aid in the fisancing would eater inte these negotiations. Mr. Caprs will be in California lgril 2th acd theChaireee expects to see Liz there. 2. ga Toca ess’ ie The Chairmen stated that Price, Watertouse 4 Co. promised the worléwide audit report by Kay 15, 1945 and he suggested Keg 2204 as the date of the ammmal Weetiag of Stockholders at 11 A.N., the Directors secting in the afteraces of the same 4gy. Mr. Wille sacred that the sreual Meeting of Stockholders be held Bay 2, 1946 at 11 AM. at the offices of United Artists Corporation,>729 Seventh Avenue, Sew York, 3.1. Mr. Denmant seconded the —_ Sotice and it was carried uzanizacusly. 9. Mame Bl, Peoria. ic. The Ghairmaz reported that the Béward Seall contract exrires Sertenber &, 1968. Mr. Quall hes « shooting schedule set up which inclades GEPTING