United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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SEIS GATE ant 5 second picters called SE GOST OF EOSTE CRETE. Ee is i= Prierity Grow 1 amd bes all footage seeded for these picteres. He hes requestei us te extend his present distribetion arrangement for « pericd of “5 faye ec that be map deliver these pictures bet ac others during thet pericé. The Chairmar reccmmendei that the extecsion be grected. Hr. Hills soved that the present Suall contract be extended for 45 days from tie presext ezpireticen date. >. Aguew seconde’ the motice anf it was carrie! csscizcus]y. 10. SONER TERAPES Les seeeles The Gaimas reported that be received from Leyi Fright documerts is commpection with the tower Taestre, ice szgeles, comeizstizng of & propesed agrement of partnership Wy mi betweec J-seph Eluperfeld4. Byxzis J. EcSerzey and Tuited Artiste Corporation and propcsed contract eugagine Joserh Bimeerfelé — ‘oe aamage and operate the theatre for the pericoi of partzership, kis compenss tiem to be 3 of the grees receipts, cu the same teres wi conditices as bis cniiagnets te ths Gap Tabane dediatdn iiadh Sa tmaiiaieanills wean Wa ‘Bese documents be signed Wy United Artistes Corperatics. Mr. Bills scvet that tae Beard axthorise the signing of the proposed agremme:: of partuership and the proposed amplayment contract, subject te approval of comes] as to form snd content. ier. Peunypacker seScated the ection asi it wes carried unantecusiy. ll. BESice oF Pucposgs Disterperice coprnaces ir. Peamypeczer esket whether it wrcli be possible fcr Mseagene:t whee it Sas comtracts of dietributic: te propose to give te sack directer is advance ® statement of the particulars ec thet they may have thes Sow ix writtig ‘a uaderstandalie form before the meeting. after éiscussios, Er. Peanypacker moved that if any distritition proposition is beeught up before any necting nithent ai} directors Rering Red five days previous notice of the details any