United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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i » has a moral obligation to get then out eve on this picture because of or representations that we would be able to salvage the bank loan. The Chairsuan pointed out that he did not wish any motion on this matter mt he was nerely reporting the fact that the company might be forced by the protucer to accept this offer. 8. Jack LONDOE The Chairman stated that he received a request for the return of JACK LONDON from Semel Bronston, the producer of that picture. Bronston owes Mrs> Charuaine London $10,000 and $19,000 for Social Security taxes. Various assign ments have been filed with us covering the proceeds of this picture. The Government contends its lien precedes al) other liens, therefore the producer's share is being withheld by us. Bronston woulf procure from dll assignees an authorization which would relieve us from any obligations to them and the producer would give-us a release. Mr. Dennant moved that Management be anthorized to completely terminate the distritmtion content on JACK LONDON provided the corporation is relieved of all liens. Mr. Agnew seconfied the motion and it was carried unanizosly. 9. STAG DOOR CANTEEN : c The Chairman stated that the producer of STAGE DOOR CANTERY has an opportunity to sell the 16 MM rights, notwithstanding thé fact that our distri. tation contract prohibits the use of such righte until next June. Mr. Agnew moved that Managesent be authorize’ to pemit the producer to sell the 14M rights at this time. Mr. Mills seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. F 10. SOL LESSER Ca The Chairsan stated that Sol Lesser wants to make a new distribution > ~