United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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, ; -5. ; > contract with us for quality pictures of a such higher type than those provided for in the preceding contract. The Chairman has concluded a negotiation for a miniom cf one and a saxi=m of three pictures per year for the calendar years 1946. 1947 and 1948, the terms to be the seme terns as Mr. Lesser had in hie preceding contract, namely 25¢for U.S., Canada and England and up to 50% for the rest of the world, the teras for Continental Inrops to de deterzined at a later date. The terns for Continental Burcpe wonld be no worse t&Hh other safor companies charge themselves, no lower than 364 tt in all probability wld reach S04. Mr. Mills moved to authorise Management to make the deal on the Basis described. Mr. Cole seconte’ the notion and it sas carried unanimously. MW. SLM PP, The Chairman reported that it was ixpossible for Mr. Donald Nelson to attend today's secsting dbecmse he is tusily engaged on the studio labor matter, which is settling the strike. The Chairman stated that Leya Wright afvised him that he talked to Miss Pickford who urges that the company join the Soctety at the cost of 1/4th of 1/28 of oomactaie gross. In discussing this satter, the directors stated that they could see no advantages to be gained by United artists Corporation making such contritutions. Mr. Pennypacker moved that the corperation decline to contritmte to the expenses of the $.I.u.P.P. * Mr. Mills seconded the motion and it was carried unaninosly. 12. SANMOBT ALSO DIB The Chairman stated that the producer of HANG(ET ALSO DIE requests the return of the 16 MM rights of this picture for England only. Mr. Mills moved that Managerat be acthorised to grant this request. Mr. Agnew seconded the soticn and it was carrie’ unanizously. _—_