United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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& = ss —_ é ae — & * eesti = ee ~ —_——— or SEP PP 2° Sc ors: STR ee See Meks BOS aoe se : ii a el 7” ~ > = -* Report of Speeial Committee appointed . ~ ~ > Swe oe 7 ®to stucr tae question of recucticn of expenses > 2 2 a | Sa wae =6?> tion = . ‘ " = e ae 2 “ Serene CR sew Torx [ity 3 zona Setoter i345 * 4 ~) e Zo the = = a~< + De > as | ae ss Cneirwen ema Scerc of Sirestcors odapywe saci cities Sei cme mance ae ail ESiI7EO ARY StS SOSrCessicEs te . a e. “pon =e tion of Zr. Fermnypacier, éuir secomse an unantmousiy carries, at the weetines of tae Seard of Directors Belc Sta Jape 13945, a Specie: cocmetttes comeisting. of Messrs. csie, repad end ‘filis wes epoointes by the Fresigent “to stud; beers question of T@ductio= of expenses sf tne Corperation anc to report te nines Seard as to the advissbility sf reducine expsnses their @eriiest convenfence.* : she Solicwins is the Zesort oF the committee, with reco=2 wendations:> “Tol” Competitive conditions zovermin= the terms for 2 eggs Te Sistrioution of thg, hizhest quality sreduct cre ed SS preclude the’ probability of profitable wb cadlrcongy & : unless cross income can be realizec st leve subdsten 3 Richer tnan pest UF anticisatedac averaces. Belsnce Sheet veotition of the Corporation over @ perio’ cf ly the pest three years has =e ..gonai stent ly srated, while during the sexe reriot the cost ef both ae ana foreicn operation hes cons‘ stessiy increase<. = Te= lopposetion’s total world-«eide expenses sre currently fuming at cae ce oe rate in excess of ; : (7,500,000. @8 commars*: with , SyP02, 00 e in 1344 and 2546595 299. in 1942, or edout gt greater within three : = Committee realizes thet e portion of the * aoe to caus {Sach es Labor Unton reguireSee nents} tm as Mnccmennta ecntrol, but it ts 1% ~~ Gefinite Bo pees that controllable expenacs sve ————— subject to adequate centralizeé supervision.