United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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~ ae memorandum was a letter dated December 12, 1945 addressed tc Robert Kane and signed by Mr. Raftery together with a reply dated December 13, 1945 signed by Ortus Pilms, Limited by J. R.mney a Méenaging Director and by ew World Pictures, Limited by Robert t. Kane{ Chairman and Managing Director. The Chairman stated that the arrangement covered ty these letters Would take care of our English subsidiary*s qoota requirements to April 1, 1947. Mr. Mills moved that the Board approve and ratify the arrangement with Mesers. Kane and Sutro submitted in the memofandum. Mr. Agnew seconded the motion and it was carried unanimcusly. The Chairman requested that no publicity be given to the deal until the formal contract is signed and the producers / have acquired studio space. 4. HOWARD BANKS The Chairman sutmitted a proposal from Howard Hanks for one picture to be produced and directed by Mr. Hawks. He ts fully financed and produc tion is to start in February 1946. The picture would be known as "THE DARE AGE". The story is a mystery melodrama. The picture will be adequately cast by Mr. Hawkes and Charles Fellman, who is in the deal with Mr. Hanks. The terms would be 25% for the United States and Canada, 1% ia England and regular standard terms for the rest of the world. George Bagnall recommended the deal. Mr. Sears and the chal ran are enthusiastic about it. Mr. Agmew moved that Management be mthorized to enter into the arrangement which has just been outlined. Mr. Mills seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. 5. BENEDICT BOGRAUS We have a contract with Benedict Bogeaus dated in 1942 which was