United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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-= Mr. Agnew moved that Menacement te anthorized to make a three year deal, foreiga to be on the best terms obtainable, with the reservation that we may, exclude political propoganda. Mr. Mills seconded the motion and ‘it was carrie’ umanisously. 3. SOL LaSsm The Chairman stated tha: Mr. Lesser has an opportunity to sell the 16 MM rigc‘ts on THEES'S A PAMILY before the period of tins elapses during which we Lave the right to stop his. The rights would be for household use only, nom-theatrical. Mr. Mills woved that as a mat ° of policy the company should not return any 16 MM rights until the expirati@® date. Mr. Dennant seconded the gotion and it was carried wanisously. = 9. ADVERFURE FIIMS, INC. We have been distributing for Miventure Films, Inc. a motion picture called KUKAN. Our Foreism Departzent recommends that we return this picture to the producer for all territories except England and Portugal, provided we can get a proper release from Adventure Files, Inc. Mr. uilis mored that the picture be returned to the producer provided we get a proper release. Mr. Agnew seconded the motion and it was carried unaniszously. “1D. Step, The Chairsan stated that he received @ letter from Miss Pickford to the effect that Donald Nelson will be here sometime during the Christaas holidays. Mr. Mills moved that the Board renew its invitation to Mr. Felson to address the Boari at its next regular meeting and aivise vs what.ov would get for our contributions to S.I:M.P.P. Mr. Agnew seconded the motion and it was carried unanizously. a oe , 4)