United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1945)

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Miniénad on for Beare e s Ee ‘Directors & Owners. Page 7 Dec 18,1945 “ The exhibition business in En-l-m is excellent notwithstencine the curt ilec a a Tucutfes -ren :t 10.30 -'@l-ck in the ornine oa weeke ys. ne close about 9.30 P.H. On Sun ays, they ren ~t 3.30 P.M., om cl ae =t 9.30 P.M. : = The stemure of livine is genmerclly very low -m the cinem is Pre Caray tne «nly umusenent the rublic cin. ffore. _ os It isthe vener:1 peas th t livine com itions «re worse nox ae ‘ey were . urin= tine blitz or buzz bombing am there ces mot seen tc be omy erect ‘isrisition cn the part -f the Goverment to” better these living ec mitions. Many <f the speecher im the House -f Commons, curinc cur stey, vere f > adage? 2% very hestile tall thinss wsericam. It is the venerul crinien tact if there ‘ Referencum on the U.S. Locp tBritein the re-ple w-ule vote sen inst it cs they feel Americ: sh: ult mcke « = an cm lete present ef this money ~~ _ te Enrico beci.use Zpvlim engurec~the higehiais «f the wcr longer than the United Stztes. | : The rress is cener: lly hostile te_thines areric\h yerticulerly —A Aneric.p motion a per There is = crine #.ve in Enclam t resent 1 rractic: iy every report on 4 vicicus crime = _ackes gone reference ts te Americ: SE = 7 _. Charseter of the crine such as the rebbers howine escarec in on inerican = mate cor, “the sethocs were methocs of Capone or cther Chica;SEINE: >. e tyric:1 cf crimes of the Hollyweec cineme. , = = Motwitist-ncine the hrstilc press the Sritish still :-. * see i Aneric.n sae pictures. As cbove state, Dinny Kaye's WONDSR MAN recdiived « universal ru from all the critics yet there were lines ov the leicester Rope ‘Theatre for cil rerforminces “waile the ste an ea a 4 a _ British opue culled PIM( STRING AND CEILING WAX sterrine G--ele Tinters