United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1947)

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33 EF. Negative insert material. F. Clear negative background without any lettering for the main, cast, credit and end titles. G. Clear negative background for any English titles that might appear in the original negative. «Hi. Composite finegrain print on duplicating steck. , l. 2 show prints. ‘ J. 2 composite dupe negatives. {e) Where a negative is “Cotor” it shall consist of An original sound color negative, completed and delivered to the color laboratory, which color negative shall at all times durimg the entire period of this agreement be available to United for the purpose of taking off color sound positive prints. (f) A trailer negative shall consist of A. 1 clear original or dupe negative of the picture with5 out overlaid titles. B. 1 dupe negative of the picture with English exploitation titles. C. 1 dupe English sound track. _ D.. 1 original or dupe minus narration track. E. 1 dupe inusie & effects track. F. 2 prints of the original Englisi trailers. G. 2 composjte master prints on foreign duplicating stock. : (gz) ucer” agrees to make up and te keep in its library or vaults, during the life of the contract, the material necessary for dubbing any picture being delivered hereunder, such as a negative, minus dialogue track, the picture backgrounds for main cast