United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1947)

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ae BF + ~ . distritution contrect with United Artists Corporation for "TALP CASTE" and "RYAN GIRL". He has an interest wi% Edward Small in “CAGLIOSTRO® a picture o be made in Italy and alto with Edward Small in *“CLacmrrina® contemplazed to De wade in Italy and a very small interest in whatever pictures Edward Small may produce in Italy and France, including "JULIVS CAESAR". He has an interest in an Italian picture called "FORIA". He owns a film-called "CLTMPICS OF 1946". Mr. Kelly stated that he might get rid of all these interests and he might not. Ee also has a settlesent agreanent with J: arthur 2ank which does not expire until December 31, 1348 tut he does not work for Mr. Rank or any of his. affiliated companies in any capacity. Mr. Grent moved that, in view of these disclosures, Mr. Kelly's contract be worded so that he be nermitted to give such time as may be necessary to his outside motion picture interests provided that they do not interfere with the carrying out of his duties. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion and it was carried. 6. stoxY prpvuotioss, (3c. « Mr. Grant stated that Armand Deutsch has flow in for the purpose of this meeting. He has $500,000. invested in the story "I7IS SIDE OF D™oOcENcE* an fohance of casting it. Mr. Deutsch has received am offer whereby he could sell his story ates to Metro and recoup a mbstantial part of his investuent. The Chairman stated that in his opinion it was impossible to make a comercial failure out of "TRIS SIDE OF INTOCENCE because the tock had such & wide sale and if this company is to give up its distritmticn right, there mist be @ consideration. Mr. Eelly stated he agreed with the Chairman. Mr. Schwartz suggested that the amount should te not less than $100,000. Mr. Grant suggested that a condition of thé release should be that Mr. Deutsch sells the story. It was suggested that a committee consisting of the President and the Executive Vice President negotiate with Mr. Deitech and report tack to the Board. At this point Mr. Deutech was invited to the meeting. He explained his