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United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1948)

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8. MEXICAN SUBSIDIARY Mr. Kelly explained that a deal has been comoleted for the sale of the stock of the Mexican subsidiary under which the purchaser will continue the distribution of pictures currently in release on the same terns that we have with our producers except for MONSINUR VERDOUX, on which picture they are asking 40%. There was discussion concerning this mtter and it was agreed that an extension should be obtained from the purchaser until such time as is ? necessary #6 secure a decision from our producers. 9. JMGLISH SUBSIDIARY Mr. Kelly stated that he authorized tue payment of one week's salary to the English employees at Christmas time. This occurred after the other distritmting companies decided on a like basis and before he received a cable from New York to the contrary. The amount involved was £1600. 10. y " y : iD "i (9) : TE PROTETC) Wr. Kelly stated that S.I.M.P.P. are requesting $2500 membership fee for the year ending Jme 30, 1947 and $625 additional to October 11, 1947. It was agreed that payment should be held up util Messrs. Sears and Kelly check into this situation in California. 1l. [WORT PRODUCTIONS, myc, The O,airman read to the meeting a letter from Troey Productions, Inc. dated December 29, 1947 to the effect that they consider that we have abrogated the contract for CAPONE. ‘The Cheirman stated that he believes that we should agree that the contract is at am end. This matter was referred to counsel. a this point Mise Pyckford entered the meeting.