United Artists Corporate Minutes (1919-1947)

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may see fit. This right when. exereised shall he termed “their abgolute discretion may deem ' provided that such limitations conform to the by-laws ‘equal the number of his ahares multiplied’ by the number ; ae of directors to be elected: he may cast all of such votes fora single director or may distribute them among the ° number to be voted for or any two or more of them, as he cumulative voting. — ‘ — —— No shareholder or holder of obligations of the corpora* * tion convertible: into shares shall be entitled as o— ee tee right to subseribefor, sequize or. receive any part ' of any further additional issue of shares or obligations of the-eorporation convertible into shares but such fur— ther issue mnay be disposed of by the Board of Directors & to such persons and on such terms and (so far as per. ie mitted by law) for such consideration. asthe Beard i in — — — The Board of Directors may at the time of ofiginal issug of any shares of the corporation prescribe such limiisiions of transferability of sugh shares or any of them as in-their discretion: they may deem advisable; of the corporation and that the éttifleate evidencing the — ownership of such shares bear_upon its face reference ne to such limitation-of transferability. . : —— The ————— * — Directors sell, lease vr exchange all of its property and In addition to the preferred shares above deséribed, | the number of shares authorized to be issued by the cor