Universal Weekly (1923-26)

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A CHAPTER ^ACQUITTAL IN HER LIFE A LOIS WEBER PRODUCTION With a brilliant cast «»Based on the story of "JEWEL1 by CL4RALOU1SE BURNHAM Universal Jewel DRIFTING PRISCILLA DEAN From the play by John CbltonandDaisy H Andrews Directed 4jTbd BlOWmgfnnNJABia&iSpmduttiai Universal Jewel mMClaikeWindsor^NormanKerry Directed by Clarence Brown /wmCohananiHarris' production of Rita Weimaris play Universal SuperJewel A Great Bitf Production with a Great Big Cast ! 'DARLINGofNEWYORK ^BABYPEGGXGladysBrodu)ell,Sheldon lewis,Cai-lStockdale,MaxDavidson,^oMfflS «. . , 7 . DIRECTED BY Umversal Jewel king bagcot THUNDERING WHITE TIGER jirarrenKem^an^diiimaQNilssoii PRISCILLAlyI-/Ai>l AHARRYGARSON PRODUCTION Universal SuperOewel Directed by TOD BROWNING Universal Jewel ^LadyoPQuality ^f/»jVIRGINlA'VaLLI VfithhOLTOHSllLSanJanextrdorJinarif cast A HOBART HENLEY PRODUCTION ^TwnFrancesHod^sonBurnetts famous novel mdpty Uuiversatl SuperJewel PRESENTED BY CARL LAEMMLE ft«»uDENNY nuumvT SpqrtingT&utk HHli-miN Byron. Morgan's in a big Great Story of Youth.Love and Adventure TDTOCLUCtlOll Directed byHarrvPonard. _.,, . \ , \ Universal ^Jewel Title to be announced^ ADVERTISED IN THE SATURDAY EVENING POST