Universal Weekly (1923-26)

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WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT THE HUNDREDS OF FANS in your town who won't be able to see "Merry Go Round" when you play it at your house, but who will want to see it? This crowd means money to some live showman, and if you don't collect it your competitor will! Protect your interests by booking your second date when you get your first! "Sold out every night. Have booked return engagement." C. S. Barrett, PALACE THEATRE, New Britain, Conn. "I would be very glad indeed if I could secure this picture again." E. V. Weaver, OSAGE THEATRE, Shidler, Okla. "Had to turn them away. Don't miss it." AMUSE THEATRE, Hart, Mich "Smashed all records." READE'S CLEVELAND HIPPODROME, Cleveland, Ohio "Turn-away business." CASINO THEATRE, Toronto, Can. 'Biggest business entire history of theatre." LAUGHLIN THEATRE Long Beach, Calif. 'Record-smashing business." COLUMBIA THEATRE, Seattle, Wash. "Went over best of the year." COMMUNITY PLAYHOUSE, Meriden, Conn. Presented fej MARY PH I LBI UNIVERSAL SUPER JEWEL Advertised