Universal Weekly (1923-26)

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Vol. 18, No. 18 Universal Weekly 39 "BEASTS OF PARADISE" Universal Chapter Play By Val Cleveland Co-Starring EILEEN SEDGWICK and WILLIAM DESMOND No. 10— "The Mad Elephant Charge" PHIL, Helen, Capt. Frazer and Jack escape the flames by jumping overboard and swimming ashore. Clegg and his men, meanwhile have rowed ashore in pursuit of Marie and her men. The entire company are surrounded and captured by the savage natives, the chief of whom is inveigled by Marie into aiding her and imprisoning the others. Marie shows the chief the map depicting the location of the buried treasure; but before he can utilize it, Helen seizes it and escapes with Big Jack and her father. Their escape is a signal for a free-for-all between Clegg's men and the natives. Phil engages in combat with the mahout of a fierce elephant. While his master struggles with Phil, the elephant puts his weight against a tall tree on which are Helen, her father and Big Jack, and pushes it over. "BEASTS OF PARADISE" Universal Chapter Play By Val Cleveland Co-Starring EILEEN SEDGWICK and WILLIAM DESMOND No. 11 — "Smothered in the Sands" WHEN Phil and his party are chased by the mad elephant Phil attacks the native attendant while Helen climbs a nearby tree. The elephant attacks the tree and finally pushes it over. He then attacks Helen. Phil in the meantime has knocked the attendant out and rushes to the rescue of Helen. He is finally obliged to shoot the mad beast. The party then takes refuge in a deserted cabin they find in the woods. Here Helen's father is left under the care of Big Jack, while Phil and Helen fare forth in search of some means to cross the desert. In the meantime, Marie and her cohorts are searching for Phil to get from him the map of the hidden gold. They come upon the cabin and take Frazer and Big Jack prisoners. They then start out with all the necessary equipment having been obtained in the settlement, to cross the desert. Helen and Phil have come upon a band of Tiburian rovers and buy from them the new clothes they need so badly. Learning that this band is about to cross the desert, they decide to join them. Reaching a spot near the other side of the great stretch of sand they decide to camp for the night. They are not settled very long when another band is sighted approaching at a rapid gait. A fight takes place between the two bands. During this fight a terriffic sand storm comes up. Phil and Helen finding that Marie and Clegg are the leaders of the other band decide to escape with the map and reach the end of the desert. They jump on camels and manage to get quite aways from the camp. The storm is too great for them, however, and soon thev become lost from each other and are buried in the swirling sand. "THE STEEL TRAIL" Universal Chapter Play Starring WILLIAM DUNCAN and EDITH JOHNSON No. 15— "Ten Seconds to Go" AFTER getting the forest fire checked and well under way, Bruce and his men decide to return to the railroad and look around for Ralph. Not finding him they became alarmed for his safety and go in search. Bruce is the first to find him dangling in mid-air over the boiling springs. With the help of the other men he manages to get him back to safety. Bruce returns to the job and Ralph is confronted by Zabel, who promptly suggests to him new means to delay the work. Ralph denounces him roundly and rushes to help Bruce complete the work on time. In the meantime, Judith has enlisted the aid of several women from neighboring farms and ranches and has them doing the work. With the return of the men from the fire, work progresses rapidly and with just five minutes left the last spike is driven. The officials of the transit commission have come down to witness that the work is completed on time and Bruce is reminded that it is necessary to run an engine over the tracks before they can be considered complete. Bruce rushes back to the camp to get an engine, he figures he can just about make it. On the way he meets an engine with Ralph in charge speeding along to the end of the line. Ralph has remembered the clause about the engine and wishing to make up for his previous acts has come to the rescue. The work is completed on time! The franchise saved! Later we see a large party celebrating the event on the Armstrong Patio. Zabel and Blake are conspicuous by their absence. Defeat weighs heavily on them. In the garden we find Judith and Bruce. Bruce puts a beautiful solitaire on her finger and draws her to him in a warm embrace. (The End.) 400 WASHINGTON NUNS SEE "THE HUNCHBACK" (Continued from page 33) robed orders prevents speaking for publication and forbids the taking of pictures for newspaper purposes, one of the Mothers Superior did express her appreciation to those responsible for the entertainment as follows: "I think I can speak for everyone who attended when I say this visit was a real treat for the sisters. We enjoyed the picture — every minute of it — and found it clean, wholesome and a most interesting story. Truly, it is marvelous how the art of the camera has developed and to those of us who see such things seldom, the re-creation of the great cathedral of Notre Dame stands as modern miracle. We liked the actors, also, and I am happy to put it down as a real memorable day in our lives. We thank you for it." "BEASTS OF PARADISE" Universal Chapter Play By Val Cleveland Co-Starring EILEEN SEDGWICK and WILLIAM DESMOND No. 12— "Millions in Gold" HELEN and Phil find each other after wandering apart on the desert, in the face of the terrible sandstorm, at the brink of a poisoned pool. Exhausted, they sink unconscious to the ground and are found and captured by Marie and Clegg with the assistance of the Tiburian bandits. The map is taken from them and they are tied and put under heavy guard. Helen wakes in the night and attacks Marie. She succeeds in gagging her and tying her hands and feet. Taking the map and a knife she goes to the tent in which Phil, her father, Big Jack are held prisoners and sets them free. With them she flees the camp on horses. Marie, freeing herself of the gag, gives the alarm, but the chief refuses to give her further aid. With Clegg and her followers she takes the native horses and pursues Phil's party. They find them at the spot where the gold is believed to have been buried. Stealing upon Big Jack and Captain Frazer, Clegg and his men attack them. In the meantime, Helen and Phil have investigated and found a deserted cave in the side of the cliff. An old recluse lives here with a mysterious secret which he guards jealously. He sees the strangers approaching and arranges a fuse that will set off tons of powder if stepped on. At the height of the fight between Marie's men and Big Jack, Phil loses Helen, who has leaned against a movable part of the wall and fallen into the hands of the recluse. While Phil is looking for Helen, he steps on a block of stone and immediately the whole side of the cliff is blown up in the air.