Universal Weekly (1923-1925)

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Vol. 20, No. 11 Universal Weekly 13 Uhe Circus Comes To Universal Cihj The back ranch at Universal City is rapidly being transformed into a circus lot for production of "The Leopard's Lwir," big circus senal featuring Joe Bonomo, famoiis strong man, and Louise Lorradne. Both are seen in front of the circws wagon. UNIVERSAL STARTS BIQ CIRCUS SERIAL Entire Circus Engaged for "The Leopard's Lair" — Joe Bonomo, Strong Man, to be Featured — Louise Lorraine as Heroine WORK has started at Universal City on a big, spectacular "circus serial," with Joe Bonomo, Universal prize stunt and strong man, in the leading role, and directed by Jay Marchant, maker of several popular serials. The chapter picture is called "The Leopard's Lair." It will be in fifteen chapters, each of two reels. As leading woman, Bonomo has Louise Lorraine, formerly one of the most popular leading women in Universal serials, but who has been away from Universal City for a year or so. She will be remembered as the heroine in "With Stanley in Africa," "Elmo the Fearless," and similar serials. She also was a Century Comedy star for many months. She is regarded to be one of the most daring women in pictures. Universal engaged an entire circus, big top, animals, side show and all, for this serial. In addition to the personnel with the circus, veteran circus performers from all over the United States, have been called to Universal City to help in the staging of the various performances needed in the new chaptei'-picture. The story is one of circus life in which Joe Bonomo plays the role of the circus strong man. This is not a new role to the Universal star, as he first won fame as a strong man and a prize winner in a physique contest. Minnie, one of the most famous circus elephants in the United States, and which for the past several years has been the mascot of a Masonic organization in Kansas City, was purchased by Universal to play in "The Leopard's Lair." Minnie replaces Charlie, the famous picture elephant condemned to death last year because of homicidal insanity. While preliminary scenes in dressing-rooms and about the "lot" of the circus set up at Universal City are being taken, tight-rope walkers, acrobats, trapeze performers and Hindu gymnasts are rehearsing and practicing in the "Big Top." Circus performers insist on daily practice, hence the big top is a continual scene of activity whether the cameras are there or not. The list of circus veterans in the picture reads like a roster of sawdust aristocracy. Jackie Goodrich, the famous clown, and Eduardo Martini, the famous tight-wire walker, said to be the only man who can dance a tango on the slack wire, are among: the newcomers. Carlo Bernardi, the famous lion tamer is there, of course. For years he has been famous in circus circles, but now is known by his own name, as Charles Bernard Murphy, superintendent of the Universal City Zoo. He has charge of the lion, leopard and elephant acts that will be featured in the big circus. Slim Cole, the motorcycle stunt rider, formerly of circus fame and now a screen star, will play the "Mystery Man" in the new play. Cecil Woodworth, world's premier hand-balancer, was brought from New York especially to work with Bonomo. Among the importations is Tui Loraine, ho hails from Australia. She does a thrilling motorcycle ride in a huge gilded ball. From Spain comes Carlotta, daredevil of the tight-rope, and the Sieberling Four, aerial gymnasts, come on leave from one of the big circuses. Charles Magetti, who ascends a flight of stairs on his head, is another importation from the "Big Top." Tony Brock of the Brock Trio, tumbler and gymnast, is another recruit from circusdom. Jay Marchant, who is directing the picture, has had circus experience himself, which is one of the important reasons for his being assigned to the task of handling the production. The story was written by William Lord Wright and Isadore Bernstein. The regular cast includes Robert Seiter, Robert J. Graves, Albert Frisco, Slim Cole, and other well known players have important roles.