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Vol. 20, No. 14
Universal Weekly
Century Comedies
Their Stars and Players
Lamont & McCoy Return to Century
AFTER an absence of several months, during which time they were busy on the lots of other comedy producers, Charles Lamont, star director and writer of comedies, and Harry McCoy, star of many Century comedies, have returned to the Century lot and are both busy on the same production.
Lamont is directing and McCoy is playing the "heavy" role in "Sailing," Buddy Messinger's latest starring vehicle. Robert Tansey is assisting Lamont in the directing.
Boh Tansey On Century Lot
ROBERT TANSEY, who has just finished directing "Buffalo Bill, Jr.," a series of Westerns for Approved Pictures, has been engaged to assist Charles Lamont, who is directing "Sailing," Buddy Messinger's latest starring vehicle for Century.
Century Signs Famous Acrobat
PETE GORDON, world renowned acrobat, has been signed by Julius Stern, president of Century Comedies, for an important part in a new two-reeler to be directed by Edward L Luddy. Edna Marion, one of Hollywood's most beautiful ingenues, will also be seen in this as yet unnamed comedj
Interesting pose of Wanda Wiley, star of Century Comedies, who has just been signed by Julius Stem to appear in Century Comedies for five years.
Comedienne Will Make Series of Two-Reeleis — Sterns Will Buy More Special Material
WANDA WILEY, that comedienne extraordinary, who has been making the world laugh with her unusual acting in Century Comedies, has been signed by Century for five years, according to word just received from Julius Stern, president of the organization, and now in Hollywood supervising production.
In commenting on the contract, Mr. Stem said: "So convinced am I that I have made one of the greatest, if not the greatest, discovery of my career in Wanda Wiley, that I decided to sign her up for a long term contract and so insure her appearance in Century Comedies, which I try to keep in a place above all other two-reel comedy production.
"The first six or eight Century Comedies in which Miss Wiley starred, including 'Her Fortunate Face,' 'Sweet Dreams,' 'Some Tomboy,' 'The Trouble Fixer' and 'Snappy Eyes,' convinced me that this unusual comedienne was destined to be one of the greatest box-office bets of the year. Subsequent reports from exhibitors in all parts of the country have confirmed this conviction, with the result that while I was abroad, in Paris, I purchased a series of stories especially
for her to star in, written by the wellknown and popular French humorist, Georges Fouret. Later I will purchase a series of short stories from the pen of one of our American humorists, also for Miss Wiley to star in.
"As her leading man in the first of the new series I have engaged Joe Moore, a member of the famous family of motion picture actors which numbers among its members Mat Moore, Tom Moore and Owen Moore. Joe Moore, while the youngest of the brothers, gives great promise of making his famous brothers look to their screen laurels before many more moons.
"To direct this series I have engaged Jess Eobbins, one of the greatest and best known comedy directors in the business. Robbins has a long record of successes behind him and they are not confined to two-reel productions. Supporting casts for these pictures will be selected with the same care. It is my sincere intention to make of them the finest two-reel ccMedies on the market."
The first of the new series of Century Comedies, starring Wanda Wiley, has been temporarily titled "Up in the Air."