Universal Weekly (1923-1925)

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Vol. 20, No. 16 Universal Weekly 37 By JOE WEIL UNIVERSAL sure is Delivering the goods! Think of the way The Jewels have been Going over. One after Another. Of sterling Box-office successes, And how "The Fast Worker," At Moss' Broadway, Turned 'em away Afternoon and night And won the greatest Reviews seen in the papers In the last year! Now watch "K— The Unknown" Go over the top At the Cameo! ASK BARE When is a chicken a wolf? Ask Barr. Of the Peerless Theatre. Over in Brooklyn. He'll tell you. "When we doll her up — in furs and with snowshoes — to be ballyhoo-ess for 'Wolves of the North'." Yes, sir! This ballyhoo-ess made some stir. Around the Peerless. When she first started forth. And the serial. Opened fine! PAST PERFORMANCES Count. Universal made no extravagant promiseB. When they sold you last season's big twelve. But they "delivered" real money-makers — every one of them. And so. When Universal tells you. THE WHITE LIST pictures. Are the best ever. You can count on Universal's past performances. To make good. On its word. PETE & ADAM Our good old Jersey pals. Pete Adams. And Adam Adams. Both wide-awake. Up-to-the-minute showmen. Newark Theatre. Newark. And U. S. Paterson. Leading theatres. Of leading exhibitors. Both of 'em playing the Jewels. To big success. And already in. Dickering on the new White List. Pete and Adam. And Universal. Have been friends for many years. And like old friends. They share well! Good pictures! Good profits! ASK LOUIS!!! Louie Goldberg. M. & S. Happened to be lucky enough. To sneak in. On a private showing. Of the first. Of Universal's new White List pictures. We're not saying anything about what happened. Or what Louie did. Or what we think of the picture. All we gotta say. Is. Just slide up to Louie. And ask him. What he thinks of that Universal picture. If you're a shorthand writer. And can take down what he tells you. We'll use it. As an ad. In any paper. And it'll be. We imagine. The greatest bit of selling copy. Ever written. So, lask Louie! And prepare for THE WHITE LIST! Order Your Share of Laughs Now! MENU When Universal Comedies are on the bill they never fail to rock your house with laughter and good cheer. They are the funniest laugh-creators you ever saw. Featuring Bert Roach, Neely Edwards and Alice Howell. BERT ROACH NEELY EDWARDS ALICE HOWELL Be Sure to See "A Nice Pickle," the Latest Release at Your Universal Exchange.