Universal Weekly (1923-1925)

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Vol. 20, No. 19 Universal Weekly 29 FIVE UNITS AT WORK IN CENTURY STUDIOS Four Star Companies and Specialty Unit Working at Full Tilt JULIUS STERN, president of Century Comedies, sends in word from Hollywood that there are five untis at work at his company's studios. The five untis are headed by Charles Lamont, Al Herman, Edward I. Luddy, Jess Robbins and William Watson. Al Herman, who has just recently returned to the Century lot after an absence of several months is directing; a picture featuring Hilliard Karr and Billy Engle. Engle also has just returned to Century after a short absence. The Century Follies Girls will be featured also. William Watson is directing Wanda Wiley in "You Little Devil," which is one of the series of short stories purchased this Summer by the Sterns while in France. They were written by Georges Fouret, the wellknown French humorist. Edward I. Luddy is directing Edna Marian and Arthur Lake, who has been borrowed from Universal, in "Rich Ideas." Robbins is directing a new unit starring Eddie Gordon, in a picture called "Cleaning Up." Larry Richardson and Beth Darlington are in cast. Charles Lamont is directing an all-star company in "Camping Out." In the cast are Bessie Welsh, Les Bates, Hilliard Karr and Tony Hayes. The Century Follies Girls will also have a prominent part in this production. Century is lining up many prominent players of both the BEAUTIFUL AND HAPPY They're all members of the famous Century Follies Girls, so of course they are beautiful. They're Iiappy — well, who wouldn't he in those nice cool silken najamas? It's the most attractive-looking "no-man's land" we've ever seen. stage and screen for their new product. Such names as Dorothy Vernon, Frank Whitson, Larry Richardson, Tony Hayes, known on the vaudeville stage as Will Hayes and the brother of the late Edmund Hayes, Wise Guy; Les Bates and a few others, are names familiar to comedy lovers all over the country. These named have been engaged to support Century's four big stars, Wanda Wiley, Edna Marian, Eddie Gordon and Al Alt, and will no doubt add considerable prestige to the already very popular Century comedy. The men handling the directorial end of Century's production are all men of proved comedy ability. Every one of them has a score or more of decidedly successful productions to their credit, productions which, by the way, are not confined to two reels. Many have made successes in the feature production field. Jess Robbins has made many films of feature length including one of the three big Baby Peggy pictures, "The Law Forbids." William Watson is the comedy expert of Hollywood, being called in by directors to handle the comedy relief sequences of their big dramatic productions. Al Herman, Edward I. Luddy and Charles Lamont are directors well seasoned in comedy sense. It is these men who have been responsible for many Century Comedy successes. Century Comedies Being Heavily Booked REPORTS received by Abe Stern, vice-president of Century Comedies, show heavy increases in bookings all over the country. This is due, says Mr. Stern, to the fact that exhibitors are realizing more and more every day the wonderful boxoffice value of Century product. The Rialto, Des Moines first nin house, has booked the entire schedule of Century comedies. The Mystic Theatre, of Pilcher, Okla., has booked forty-five Centuries for three months. The Newsho Theatre, in Witumka, Okla., has booked twelve Centuries for the month of December. New Coctumes Bought for Follies Girls Unit ABE STERN, vice-president of Century Comedies, has just purchased a large consignment of special costumes for the famous Century Follies Girls group, who are featured in many of his Century Comedies. The costumes were purchased in New York and are being shipped to the Coast. One of the most striking costumes in the group was a military uniform modified to make it attractive on the feminine form. This costume has white breeches, red coat and a blue hat with a huge white pompom. Stanley Circuit Books "The Family Secret" HM. HERBEL, sales manager ^ for the Century Film Corporation, of which Julius and Abe Stem are the heads, reports that the Stanley Circuit of theatres, Philadelphia, Pa., has booked the Baby Peggy special feature production, "The Family Secret," to run over the entire circuit. "The Family Secret," "The Law Forbids" and "The Darling of New York" are all Baby Peggy special productions made jointly by Century and Universal. "The Family Secret" is the last of the three to be released and is following their unusual successes.