Universal Weekly (1924-1936)

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November 13, 1926 Universal Weekly 23 Four Stem Brothers Comedy Series Represented in November Releases Five Selected Two-reelers, Including a Buster Brown Comedy and a Newlyweds and Their Baby, Due to Reach the Screen This Month THE November release announcement of the Stern Film Corporation indicates that the Stern Brothers are putting out a carefully selected group of strong comedies this month. Their release schedule includes five two-reelers, one representative of each of the Stern Brothers series of the current season. The releases are made up of a new Buster Brown Comedy, one of the new "Newlyweds and Their Baby" comedies, an "Excuse Maker" comedy, a new "Let George Do It" comedy and the latest "What Happened to Jane" comedy. All of these releases are Stern Brothers Comedies in the regular Stern Brothers line-up except the Buster Brown comedy, which is being released by Universal as a Junior Jewel. The Buster Brown two-reeler is "Buster's Narrow Escape," and is cited as a further advance in the entertainment value of these popular comedies. It was made by Gus Meins, with the well-known Buster Brown trio in the principal roles. Tige is played by Pete, the dog comedian ; Buster by little Arthur Trimble, and Mary Jane, Buster's sweetheart, by Doreen Turner. The "Newlyweds" comedy is "Snookums' Buggyride." It is the third of this sensational baby series in which the role of Snookums, the de1 i g h t f u 1 youngster created by George McManus in his celeb r a t e d Newlyweds" cartoon strip from which the series is adapted, is played by Sunny McKeen, a baby "find" discovered and introduced to the screen by Julius Stem. Pretty Ethlyne Clair has the role of Mrs. Newlywed and Mr. Newlywed is played by Jed Dooley. Gus Meins, who did such fine work with the Buster Brown comedies, is directing the Snookums series. "Snookums' Buggyride" was released November 3rd. The next Stem Brothers release is "Please Excuse Me," one of the "Excuse Maker" comedies, starring Charles King, which reaches the screen November 10th. Constance Darling plays the leading supporting role in this tworeeler, which deals with the escapades of a young sheik in his efforts to outwit h i s rival. The comedy was directed by Sam Newfield, and has achieved great success in its prerelease showings. On November 17th, the Stern Brothers will release "Jane's Engagement Party," of the "What Happened to Jane" series. This picture features Wanda Wiley, with Tony Hayes in support. It also was directed by Newfield, and is a hilarious funfilm filled with the rapid action gags and stunts which have made Miss Wiley famous. The last Stern Brothers release in November will be "George's in Love," a new two-reeler of the "Let George Do It" series, adapted from the worldfamous George McManus cartoon strip, with Sid Saylor as the star. Thelma Daniels plays opposite him in this one. This series of comedies is in great demand, the Sterns assert, the pre-release showings of the early comedies of the series on Broadway and elsewhere definitely establishing the series as high-class comedy product for first runs. "George's in Love" is the best of the series made so far. Francis Corby directed it. Ttvo shots from "Snookums' Merry Christmas," the special "Newlyweds and Their Baby" comedy which Stern Brothers will release during the Holiday season. iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Make ^^Snookums" Special for Christmas A SPECIAL Christmas Holiday Comedy will be put out by the Stern Brothers featuring "The Newlyweds and Their Baby," it has just been announced at the home office of the Stern Film Corporation. It will be called "Snookums' Merry Christmas" and will be an extra release, in addition to the thirteen "Newlyweds and Their Baby" comedies scheduled for the coming year. It will reach the screen December 22nd. The great demand for special Christmas pictures and the difficulty on the part of exhibitors to find such offerings, coupled with the unusual suitability of the remarkable baby Snookums and the Newlyweds characters for such a picture, prompted the Stems to undertake this venture. The Newlyweds company is already at work on the special, under the direction of Gus Meins. It is promised as the most entertaining Christmas picture ever made. Sid Saylor plays the role of Mr. Newlywed, the fond papa, and pretty Ethlyne Clair that of Mrs. Newlywed. As soon as completed the picture will be rushed to the Universal Laboratory at Fort Lee, N. J., whence prints will be speeded to all Universal exchanges so that the exhibitors may preview it well in advance of the holidays. Special papers and other accessories will be made up for the film, decorated with Christmas colors and ornaments. Trailers for it also will be made by the National Screen Service.