Universal Weekly (1914-1915)

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11 Mother Gambles As Her Child Is Dying WOMAN'S DEBT, a tworeel Gold Seal drama featuring Cleo Madison and Joe King, tells the story of the regeneration of a heartless mother who, while her child is dying, spends her time at "A Woman's Debt", two-reel Gold Seal drama, features Cleo Madison and Joe King in the story of the regeneration of a heartless mother. Angered by her losses at the gaming table, mother plays on while her child dies. She locks the man, who would entrap her, in steel vault. Story of unusual drama by I. Bernstein. Scenario by Bess Meredyth. Production by Wilfred Lucas. Keleased Tuesday, January 12. CAST. Thelma Morrison Cleo Madison Jack Davenport Joe King Hob Cameron Edward Sloman Morrison, the father Ray Hanford which photo the gaming table and is omy torn away when her fortune is wasted. The scenario of this really unusual photodrama was written by Bess Meredyth. Wilfred Lucas has produced the play with excellent results. A stirring scene takes place when the beggared society woman attempts to recover the I. O. U.'s which she has handed out right and left and which have been recovered by an adventurer who has carefully planned to entrap her. "A Woman's Debt" will be released on Tuesday, January 12. In addition to Cleo Madison and Joe King, who play the leading roles. Director Lucas has cast Edward Sloman and Ray Hanford in important roles in both actors distinguish themselves. The story of the drama follows : Thelma Morrison is stenographer to Jack Uavenpoit, president of the Louisburg bank. Davenport is in love with Thelma although his employee is engaged to Bob Cameron, captain of the town's baseball team. Davenport proposes to Thelma but is interrupted by Cameron who 'phones from a nearby pool room to invite Thelma to attend a ball same that afternoon. Thelma consents to go and accepts Davenport's offer to take her in his machine. At the ball-park Cameron pushes his way toward Thelma and is illpleased when he learns that Davenport has brought her to the game in his car. He speaks sharply to his fiancee and Thelma bursts into tears. Davenport takes her to her shabby home asking if he may call that night for his answer. When Thelma arrives home she finds her mother wearily bending over the ironing board. Her father returns gloomily from work to tell them the factory is eloped. The mother starts to cry and Thelma resolves to marry Davenport to save her family. That ni.^ht. when he calls, she fers to give Thelma the L O. U.'s. accepts him. While in his embrace. Bob whistles. She goes to him and tells him she is marrying Davenport to save her mother. Five years elapse and Thelma becomes a social butterfly, gambling heavily in bridge and pressing her husband, Davenport, to the wall because of her extravagances. She loses heavily to Muriel Hope, giving on one afternoon an I. O. U. for $2,000. While the game is in progress her little son is taken ill and the nurse comes to tell her of it. Thelma dismisses her angrily. When her husband returns she treats him indifferently and he hurries up to his boy's side. That night the doctor calls Thelma to the boy, saying he is very ill, but she only laughs at their fears. While she is talking guests are announced. Thelma goes to meet them and discovers Muriel Hope's fiance to be Hoc Cameron, whom she has not seen for five years. She almost betrays herself but manages to accept the introduction. Mu riel asks for her money and while the two women are talking, Cameron writes Thelma a note, insisting on her coming to his office, and indicating that he holds Muriel's I. O. U.'s and can help her. As they leave and Thelma stands watching them go, the nurse rushes down to tell her to come to her little boy, who has just died. With a cry of anguish she rushes upstairs where she finds her husband lyHe pushes her away and will not let her Jack ing across the bed. share his sorrow. Several days later Thelma remembers her appointment with Cameron, but determines not to keep it. She goes to her husband and asks for money, but he indicates he has paid her last gambling debt. She turns and leaves 'for Cameron's office. Cameron takes her in his arms, shows her all her I. O. U.'s, etc.. and indicates they are hers if she will give herself up to his love. Tempted, Thelma promises to come on the morrow. The next day she leaves again for the office and when Cameron attempts to kiss her, she holds him off, indicating she must have the I. O. U.'s first. He goes into the vault where they have been placed and she conceives the idea of getting the I. O. U.'s from him and shutting him in. This she does very cleverly, but when he is locked in she realizes what she has done, and hysterically calls up her husband, who comes to her assistance. Davenport sends for an expert to open the safe and while they are waiting Thelma confesses. Cameron is released, quite chastened and ofDavenport, however, insists upon paying for them. The last barrier is down. Thelma sees Cameron in his true colors and turns to her husband, realizing that his is the only love really worth while. f f ^ t Harry C. Myers of the Victor-Universal company is now at work on "The Danger Line", a tworeel mountain feud story. The leading roles are played by Rosemary Theby, Brinsley Shaw and Harry C. Myers. Prerrnts Thelma from Kissing Her Dead Child Because, of Her Heartless Neglect.