Universal Weekly (1914-1915)

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THE UNIVERSAL WEEKLY 37 Zan Feature competitor, because — he can't get them. Watch the Universal Weekly for the advertisements prepared for you each week. Order cuts from your exchange direct, or from The Universal Film Manufacturing Co. (Supply Dept.), 1600 Broadway, New York. If you order from New York, cash must be enclosed. Don't count the cost — count the profit. STIRRING 2 REEL GOLD SEAL DRAMA LIFE FEATURING CLtO MAP/SOM A 5T0Ky OF JNTEN5E HUMAN INTEREST (UNIVERSAL) ^nj^ THE story of a g i r l's struggle with herself. Life among the denizens of a sailor's dance hall and the regeneration of a lost soul, all faithfully depicted in this wonderful human interest drama of the slums. A wastrel's crime and how he was forced to remedy the wrong he had committed upon an innocent girl. SEE IT AT THE (This space for your theatre name, etc.) This Cut 20c. Postage, 6c. Order No. 323 KING BAGGOT IN I MililJiill /MP 2 PteAMA A PRAIRIE fire, the burning of the old Marx mansion at Leona Heights, N. J., and the race of a railroad engine, piloted by King Baggot through a blazing ^ forest fire, are but a few of the features of this Imp masterpiece. A 14room mansion, dating back to Colonial days, is burned to the ground in this masterpiece to give the action of the story the requisite "punch" Don't miss "The Millionaire Engineer" ! (This space for name of your theatre, etc.) This Cut 28c. Postage, 7c. Order No. 321 .universal! MILLIONS OF PEOPLE KNOW Mary Fuller As Their Screen Favorite MARY FULLER, without a doubt, has the largest following of any screen star of the day. In "His Guardian Ansel" she is the gentle, guiding spirit of tbe man she loves. At crucial moments her form rises up before him to check him from crime. (This space for name of your theatre, etc.) This Cut 28c. Postage, "ic. Order No. 322