Universal Weekly (1914-1915)

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ADVERTISE, IF YOU WANT RESULTS! THE day of the Exhibitor who doesn't advertise is passing. The moving picture business is progressing so fast that the man who doesn't advertise will soon be left in the rear with the failures. WE must advertise and YOU must advertise. It's the life blood of this business, the same as it is in ANY LIVE profitable business. It's absurd to think that you can sit back with hands folded and say to yourself: "Oh, I've got a fine house; the people are hound to come to me". That kind of an Exhibitor will wake up some fine morning and find his business GONE. The Universal spends hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to educate the public to SEE Universal pictures in Universal theatres all over America — in Canada, England and many other countries. We would be tickled to death to put this advertising into our own pockets if we could do so, but we can't, don't intend to and WON'T. Don't matter how you advertise your house and Universal pictures so long as you ADVERTISE and keep at it. Now, make up a list of what you need from the supplies shown below, and BEGIN ADVERTISING NOW AND KEEP EVERLASTINGLY AT IT. MAKE UP YOUR ORDER STATING NAME 0,F PLAYER, AND GIVE EXACT QUANTITY WANTED OF ELECTROS, SLIDES, PICTURE POST CARDS, 11x14 PHOTOS AND ?2x28 PHOTOS OlF EACH. NAME. Electros, 25c. eacli. Slides 25c. each. x !" C?l — £ i o " a*9" § * ° .a ' i s 2 o — o a ■* ?5 » NAME. o IO CI CO r3 o s> 91 K Slides, 23c. each. X a?i i—' tea ll.\14 photographs, $1.50 per dozen. 22x28 photographs, 40c each ....X... Louise Fazenda .....x.. i .,..x... . , . . X . . . ....X... ....X... . . . . X . . . . . . . X . . . ....X... ....X... ....X... Murdock MacQuarrie. Anything marked thus (XI indicates r hat that particular article is not in stock. The Universal's List of Exchanges, as shown here below, constitutes the strongest organization in the moving picture business toi:ay. Every man in each one of these separate organieations has been picked from the best men in the field, and you are dealing with the cream of the business when you trade with Universal Exchanges. The Universal recognizes only one standard of management and employees. THE BEST — and you may consider it a privilege and a pleasure to do business with men of such calibre as are herein represented. This list constitutes not alone the largest, but by far the strongest and most influential Exchanges in the film business. Distributing Offices Handling Universal Service in United States, Canada and the Philippines ARIZONA: Phoenix— Calif. Film Exchange, 121 W. 2nd Ave. ARKANSAS: Ft. Smith— Universal F. & S. Co.. 17 No. 6th St. CALIFORNIA: San Francisco— ( al. Film Ex., 125 Golden Gate Av. Los Angeles — California Film Exchange, 736 S. Olive St. COLORADO: Denver — Wm. H. Swanson Film Co., Railroad Bldg. CONNECTICUT: New Haven — Universal Film Exchange of N. ¥., 22*J Meadow St. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Washington— Washington Branch Interstate Films Co., 419 Ninth St.. N. W. FLORIDA: Tampa— Consolidated Film & Supply Co. Jacksonville — Consolidated F. & S. Co., Prince Theatre Bldg. GEORGIA: Atlanta— Consolidated F. & S. Co., Rhodes Bldg. ILLINOIS: Chicago— An ti Trust Film Co., 128 W. Lake St. Laemmle Film Service, 205 W. Washington St. Standard Film Exchange. 172 W. Washington. Cairo — Universal Film & Supply Co., 8th and Washington Ave. INDIANA: Evansville — Central Film Service Co. Indianapolis — Central Film & Supply Co., 113 W. Georgia St. IOWA: Des .Moines— Laemmle Film Service, 311 Hubbell St. Davenport — Laemmle Film Service. KANSAS: Wichita— Universal Film & Supply Co., 155 N. Main St. KENTUCKY: Louisville— Universal Film Exchange, 319 W. Jefferson St. Central Film Service, 407 Walker Bldg. LOUISIANA: New Olrleans— Consolidated Film & Supply Co., 914 Gravier St. MAINE. Bangor — New England Universal Film Exchange, 119 Franklin St. MARYLAND: Baltimore— Baltimore Film Exchange, 412 E. Baltimore St. MASSACHUSETTS: Boston— New England Universal Film Exchange, 1100 Boylston St. Springfield — Universal Film Exchange of N. Y., 33 Lvman St. MICHIGAN: Detroit— Detroit Universal Film Co., 87 Woodward Ave. Grand Rapids — Universal Film Exchange, 5 Hawkins Block. Escanaba — Detroit Universal Film Co. Saginaw — Detroit Universal Film Co.. 4 Mercer Bldg. MINNESOTA: Minneapolis — Laemmle Film Service, 252A Hennepin Ave. MISSOURI: Kansas City— Universal F. & S. Co.. 214 E. 12th St. St. Louis — Universal Film & Supply Co., 2116 Locust St. MONTANA: Butte— Wm. H. Swanson Film Co. NEBRASKA: Omaha— Laemmle Film Service. 1122 Farnam St. NEW JERSEY: Newark— Universal Film Exchange of N. Y. (Newark Branch), 236 Market Sr. NEW YORK: Albany— Rex Film Exchange, 7 Maiden Lane. Buffalo — Victor Film Service, 35 Church St. New York City— Universal Film Exchange, 115 E. 23rd St. N. Y. City— Universal Film Exchange (Mecca Br.), 1600 B'way. Rochester— Victor Film Service. NORTH CAROLINA. Charlotte — Universal Film & Supply Co., 307 West Trade St. OHIO: Cincinnati — Cincinnati-Buckeye Film Exch., 236 W. 4th Av. Cleveland — Victor Film Service, Prospect and Huron Sts. Toledo — Toledo Film Exchange Co., 439 Huron St. Columbus— Cincinnati-Victor Film Co., 40 S. Third St. OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma City— Universal F. & S. Co.. 116 W. 2d St. OREGON : Portland— Film Supply Co., of Oregon, 385 1-2 Alder St. PENNSYLVANIA: Phila.— Eagle Projection Co., 1304 Vine St. Philadelphia — Interstate Films Co., 1304 Vine St. Philadelphia— Philadelphia Film Exchange, 121 N. 9th St. Pittsburgh — Independent Film Exchange, 415 Ferry St. Scranton — R. & K. Film Exchange, 220 Adams Ave. Wilkes-Barre — Exhibitors' Film Exchange, 61 Penn Ave. TENNESSEE : Memphis — Consolidated F. & S. Co., 226 Union Av. TEXAS: Dallas— Consolidated Film & Supply Co., 1900-1902 Commerce St. El Paso— Consolidated Film & Supply Co., 309 Caples Bldg. El Paso— Wm. H Swanson F. & S. Co.. Little Caples Bldg. San Antonio— Consolidated F. & S. Co.. Princess Theatre Bldg. UTAH: Salt Lake City— Wm. H. Swanson Film Co.. Mclntyre Bldg WEST VIRGINIA: Wheeling— Universal Film Exchange, Register Building. Charleston— Cincinnati-Buckeye Film Co., Burlew Theatre Bldg. WISCONSIN: Milwaukee— Universal Film Exchange, 133 Second St. WASHINGTON: Seattle — Film Supply Co.. 1301 Fifth Ave. Spokane — Film Supply Co.. 211 Jones Bldg. EASTERN: DOMINION OF CANADA. Toronto, Ont.— Canadian Universal Film Co., Ltd., 11 Richmond St. W. Montreal, Que.— Canadian Universal Film Co., Ltd., 295 St. Catherine St. St. John. N. B. — Canadian Universal Film Co., Ltd., 37 Union St. WESTERN: Calgary, Alta.— Canadian Universal Film Co., Ltd., 407 Eighth Ave. W. V ancouver, B. C— Canadian Universal Film Co., Ltd., 516 Holden Bldg. Winnipeg, Man.— Canadian Universal Film Co., Ltd., 115 Phoenix Bldg. Regina. Sask.— Canadian Universal Film Co., Ltd., 206 Westman Chambers. HAWAII: Honolulu— California Film Exchange. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Manila— Universal Film & Supply Co., Universal Bldg.