Universal Weekly (1925-1933)

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Vol. 23, No. 16. Universal Weekly 11 Latest Stills From Universal City The butcher boy falls hard. Dorothy Kitchen, winner of Universal' '$ "See America First" beauty contest in New York, plays with Arthur Lake in the latest series of Sweet Sixteen comedies. Betty Compson takes Mary Philbin in hand in "Love Me and the World Is Mine." Even fashions in witches have changed. Grace Gordon, who is playing in "Butterflies in the Rain," Laura La Plante's latest starring production, impersonates the 1926 variety with her 1926 witches' cat. Reginald Denny has difficulty in selling Blanche Mehaffey his idea in this scene from "Take It From Me." A group of celebrities at Universal City. Left to right: James Kirkwood, who supports Laura La Plante in "Butterflies in the Rain," Director Edward Sloman, Carl Laemmle, Lila Lee, Norman Kerry, co-starring with Mary Philbin in "Love Me and the World Is Mine," and Paul Kohner, casting director.