Universal Weekly (1925-1933)

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inald HP HE first big special Universal* Denny Super Production adapted from the big musical comedy hit by Will B. Johnstone and W. R. Anderson is here. Take it from me it's the funniest farce ever filmed! For years you've been packing your house and cashing in on Denny. Fans know what to expect of their comedy idol — and he gives it to them every time! He is a star of the first magnitude — — standing alone in his own specialized field. "Take It From Me" is there! And what a publicity and advertising campaign! We're backing up your box-office so that you'll know you have in Denny a money-maker second to none in the business — You can't afford to miss a Denny! And this is the greatest Denny of them all! A WILLIAM A. SEITER PRODUCTION A UNIVERSAL REGINALD 1 PRODUCTION