Universal Weekly (1925-1933)

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32 Carl Laemmle' s 27th Anniversary Celebration ^^^e Dec. 17, 1932 Comedy Cycle For Universal Pictures FOLLOWING the production of a series of stark and realistic screen drama, Universal is going in for considerable comedy during the next few months, Carl Laemmle, Jr. has announced. "They Just Had to Get Married", co-starring ZaSu Pitts and Slim Summerville, has just been completed at Universal City and is now being prepared for release. And "The Big Cage", scheduled to go into production next week and starring Clyde Beatty, world's greatest wild animal trainer, will have comedy relief supplied by Vince Barnett and Andy Devine. "Salt Air" will bring back to the screen the comedy starring team of Charlie Murray and George Sidney. It will go into production as soon as the comics finish their current engagement in the Los Angeles stage revival of "Abie's Irish Rose." Earl Snell and H. M. Walker, veteran comedy writers, have been assigned to a story tentatively titled "Alaska Bound", which will serve as a forthcoming vehicle for the PittsSummerville team. There will be another Pitts-Summerville, and Lee Tracy is making "Private Jones." Zasu Pitts Recovering UNIVERSAL is congratulating itself that the comedy, "They Just Had to Get Married," did not turn into a tragedy. Half way through it, ZaSu Pitts had to go to a hospital and after the last scene had been finished, she was rushed back and an operation for appendicitis performed. No one looking at "They Just Had to Get Married" would dream for a moment that ZaSu Pitts suffered intensely during the filming of this picture, which is one of the funniest that she ever made. Latest reports from Universal City are to the effect that this marvelous comedienne is rallying from her operation satisfactorily and with a vitality that those who believe the wan message of her hands would never credit her with. Seeks A Leitzel For "The Big Cage" WITH actual production on Clyde 3eatty's screenplay "The Big Cage" underway at Universal City, Carl Laemmle, Jr. announced yesterday that he is still in dire need of a circus aerialist of the Lillian Leitzel type to appear in support of the world's foremost trainer of wild animals. Laemmle, Jr. has been searching for this type of leading lady ever since he decided definitely to produce the Edward Anthony story. He has enlisted in the search the aid of Mrs. Tom Mix, the former Mabel Ward and a star qf the "big top" before her marriage to the cowboy actor. Beatty and the 43 lions and tigers which he collected at the winter quarters of the Hagenbach-Wallace, Barnum & Bailey shows in Peru, Indiana, arrived in Universal City in two complete baggage cars. And are occupying the old Universal City Zoo. The cast already includes Andy Devine, Raymond Hatton, Mickey Rooney, Vince Barnett, Robert McWade, Wilfred Lucas, Wallace Ford and Reginald Barlow.