Universal Weekly (1928-1930, 1933-1936)

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Feb. I, 1936 ~ — UNIVERSAL WEEKLY— SHOWMANSHIP SECTION= ~a1 Wartha's Big Safety Tie-Up for Michigan City! I CVUllNC DISPATCH. MIC HI CAN C FREE! 50 TICKETS To So “MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION” • !*«» II Appear* u Picture Id. Lake Theatre Here's How The Aral so perKiU IT bo Mod ... an application for a DUpaul •10.000 Trarel and Pede.tr,.. Accident Pollcj will rrceiw " V Lake Thcaln T o All Readers of the EVENING DISPATCH A Complete Illustrated News Sion of MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION With IRENE DUNNE ROBERT TAYLOR The First Installment Stan MONDAY, JAN. 13th Ordei Yow bubscription Non Accidents Do Happen • How? We Can’! Stop AcadenU— But We Can Protect Vou Agamtl Then -/IMPORTANT READ CAREFULLY! 10c pei month For Tbi* Ne* TRAVEL T>r\T TpV ACCIDENT irvJJLii^ I Read tbe newipaper tenal then see the picture — a terrible accident occurs — a tragedy whkb follows would have been prevented witb a Dupateb Travel Accident Policy *10,000.00 =U Daily Gives “Magnificent” Obsession” Serialization Smash Free Space! WHEN "Magnificent Obsession" played the Lake Theatre, Michigan City, Ind., Manager Art Wartha arranged an outstanding publicity tie-up that carried an appeal for every man, woman and child in the city. The local newspaper was in the midst of an editorial safety campaign and was propagandizing increased accident insurance. This suggested to Wartha a tie-up with the accident sequence in the picture. He landed his idea in grand style, as the full page ad, at left, illustrates. The newspaper offered fen thousand dollar accident insurance, to the first fifty persons who applied, at the rate of only 10c. a month. The theatre, as an added inducement, offered tickets to "Magnificent Obsession.” The full page ad also carried the first announcement of the "Magnificent Obsession" picture-strip serialization, which the paper ran the week before the picture opened. Free three and four column space was devoted to the serialization every day. Reproduction of one of the Dispatchis pages, below, shows how this cooperative stunt literally "stole" the theatrical pages BARNEY JOFFEE CAPTURES THE CHOICE WINDOWS WITH HIS OLD COLD TIE-UP 3 ARNEY JOFFEE. 'h=( very alert Managing Director of the Tower Theatre. Kansas City, Mo. grabbed over five hundred choice window displays for his Magnificent Obsession campaign through a neat tie-up with Old 0old cigarettes. Special window pasters were used, supplemented by stills from the picture. Other big features in Joffee's comprehensive campaign included posting of 24sheets, planting of ten thousand bookmarks in stores and libraries and arranging for free distribution of 30,000 roto heralds by Liberty Magazine dealer, local laundry, and a chain of 5 and 10 cent stores. Fine Barney. DOUBLE MELLOW OLD COLDS SHOULD BE YOUR MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION NOW/ in Cigarettes— and See the Picture With IRENE DUNNE, ROBERT TAYLOR TOWER FREE THEATRE TICKETS DISPATCH ™ W* FREE TICKETS TO THE LAKE.' FREE TICKETS! READ Dispatch IRENE iDUNNE MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION' IRENE DUNNE ROBERT TAYLOR MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION 4 DAYS STARTING . SUNDAY L-A-K E SUNDAY