Universal Weekly (1920, 1923-27)

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8 Universal Weekly March 1, 1924 “Almost Too Goc No. 372. — Straight from the Shoulder Talk by Carl Laemmle , President of the Universal Pictures Corporation XHIBITORS who made a pile of profit on “Merry Go Round” — and who did not hesitate to admit it — told me I would have a hard job finding another story which would give Mary Philbin such a glorious role to play. I believed them, but once more 1 found that the Universal organization does not know the meaning of the word “impossible”. You will agree when you see “Fools Highway!” Miss Philbin not only has another glorious role, but she enacts it with even finer discrimination and more delicate shadings than she played her famous part in “Merry Go Round.” I do not agree with the critic who