Universal Weekly (1920, 1923-27)

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Vol. 19, No. 3 Universal Weekly 37 EXHIBITORS BOOST # LAEMMLE MONTH/ “NOTHING BUT PRAISE”! MOTION PICTURE THEATRE OWNERS of NEBRASKA Omaha, Neb. January 19, 1924. Mr. Carl Laemmle, 1600 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. My dear Mr. Laemmle: I have been a constant user of Universal service for the past eight and one-half years, at which time I became interested in the motion picture business. I have nothing but praise for your service and business methods. I will say that I am opposed to weekly and monthly drives. However, in commemoration of your anniversary, and my deep appreciation for what you have done for the motion picture industry, especially the smaller exhibitors, I most heartily endorse this movement and am certain it will be of such magnitude that you will know your years of faithful service and cooperation are most deeply appreciated by exhibitors. Yours very respectfully, (Signed) C. E. WILLIAMS, President of Motion Picture Theatre Owners of Nebraska. “YOUR TREMENDOUS INFLUENCE” Pacific Coast Independent Exhibitor Thomas D. Van Osten Publisher and Edi'.or San Francisco, Cal. January 23, 1924. Mr. Carl Laemmle, c/o Universal Fi'm Exchanges, Inc., San Francisco, Calif. Dear Mr. Laemmle: Through the medium of the Trade Journals and numerous other channels, it has been brought to my attention that Universal is to hold a “Carl Laemmle Anniversary Month.” Permit me to make this expression of my admiration of the success which you have achieved, and the tremendous influence for improvement which you have been during your connection with the Moving Picture Industry. It is due to the untiring efforts of such Napoleons as yourself that the industry today ranks as one of the largest in the world. Heartiest congratulations and sincerest wishes for a gratifying “Carl Laemmle Anniversary Month.” Yours very truly, (Signed) THOMAS D. VAN OSTEN, Editor. “WE OWE YOU GREAT DEAL”! STRAND THEATRE Easton, Pa., Mr. Carl Laemmle, President, Universal Pictures Corp’n. My dear Mr. Laemmle: My attention has been called to the honoring of “Laemmle Month’’ by the industry in commemoration of your forty years in this country and your activities in the motion picture industry. I want to join in paying my tribute to the man, who in my opinion, is mainly responsible for placing the motion picture industry on the high plane which it now enjoys. How vividly I recall the dark days when you fought the many elements and now that I look upon your achievements, I again repeat that the motion picture industry owes you a great deal. I am going to do my share in honoring the occasion instituted by your friends by playing as many Universal Pictures as I can and I know that the exhibitors in the country are going to give you their unstinted co-operation and support. In time to come I know that when the best of motion pictures are spoken of, it will be in the same breath with — Carl Laemmle. Wishing you unbounded success, I remain, Sincerely, (Signed) C. D. BUSS. “LADY OF QUALITY” ON SHOPPING TOUR Universal's Los Angeles Exchange Used This Idea as Suggested in Press Book on the Valli Jewel “TRIBUTE IS DUE CARL LAEMMLE” “ ... it is an industry’s privilege and its duty to doff the hat in tribute to Carl Laemmle. “There are no shadows jn our recollection of Carl Laemmle; no apologies to make to the country that gave him opportunity, to the industry that gave him the rewards paid to accomplishment. “He has received; he has given, in full and brimming measure. “Words that are so lamely used for so many of life’s shallow tasks falter and stumble before the necessity of conveying the deep, sincere, heartfelt tribute due — “Carl Laemmle.’’ ROBERT E. WELSH, in M. P. World. “UNIVERSAL STANDS OUT”! {WIRE] Motion Picture Theatre Owners of North Carolina Office of the President Lexington, N. C. January 19, 1924. Mr. Carl Laemmle, President, Universal Pictures Coi~p., 1600 Broadway, New York City. My Dear Mr. Laemmles : Personally, and on behalf of the Motion Picture Theatre Owners of North Carolina, I desire to congratulate you on the fortieth anniversary of your arrival in the United States. You have been one of the greatest factors in the upbuilding of the motion picture industry, and as you grow older and your business grows with you, it is a pleasure to your friends to know that you are making bigger and better pictures, and that the Universal Pictures Corporation stands out as one of the leading factors in this great industry. I sincerely trust that yoy and your Company will enjoy forty more years of unparalleled prosperity and that you will be one of the great factors in placing the motion picture industry on the business basis that it should occupy where confidence and co-operation between producer and exhibitor will mean what it says. With best wishes and highest personal regards, I am Yours very truly, (Signed) H. B. VARNER, President ,