Universal Weekly (1920, 1923-27)

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22 September 17, 1927 Universal Weekly What Showmen Think of Universal Highly Enthusiastic Over New Program ((T HAVE just signed my third I Complete Service Contract with your Mr. Salley and during my sixteen or more years of motion picture experience, I consider Universal’s Complete Service Contract most satisfactory. “It gives me great pleasure to commend you particularly on your 1927-28 product as it includes some outstanding features and special two reel comedies, which I think should have strong appeal to small town exhibitors who are in need of a versatile program, where many changes are necessary during the week. “I feel too that the changes made in the western feature line-up are most satisfactory and I know Mr. Ted Wells, as Mr. Harrison has said, will prove to be the western find of the year. ‘Dynamite,’ the wonder dog series, should he a decided addition to your program, and for the aviation thrill series, I can say there’s nothing like them on earth.” — L. Hall, Manager, Dixie Theatre, New Broukland, S. C. “U” Line-Up Looks Better Than Ever a S I was one of the first to buy ZX the complete service after using it the past two years I think that ought to be evidence enough that I was well pleased with it. “And Universal’s lineup this year looks better than ever. I see no reason why they won’t click at the boxoffice. And I for one am mighty glad to be able to say that I have the complete lineup.” — S. A. Davidson, Royal Theatre, Cherryvale, Kan. Signs His Fourth C. Service Contract ¥T7 E have used all of the Uni\A/ versal Complete Service Conv tracts and signed the fourth. “Our house is running a 100 per cent Universal. Each succeeding year, your product exceeds our fondest expectations in the film industry.” — Dr. M. J. Ruzicka, Mgr., Prague Opera House, Prague, Nebraslca. “Cat and Canary” Packs Them In TUST concluded a phenomI enal engagement of ‘The Cat and the Canary’ at the State Theatre, Flint, Mich. Packed them in for entire run with business beyond all expectations. Negotiating with your Detroit manager for return engagement at the same theatre at the earliest possible moment. Thank you for a wonderful picture and fine cooperation from the Detroit office.” — W. Shaefer, Gen. Mgr., Woodward Theatre Co. “Cat and the Canary” Is Sure-Fire Puller cc 4 GAIN a Universal Picture has proved a triumphant success here. We have just completed our engagement of “The Cat and the Canary’ and it will no doubt interest you to know that I consider this picture one of the finest I have ever had the pleasure of playing. It ranks supreme from every standpoint. First, I think it is the greatest mystery thriller ever screened. Secondly, a high degree of perfection has been attained in its production, and most important from the exhibitors standpoint it is a sure fire business puller. “There is no doubt that my experience with the picture can be duplicated by every live exhibitor who will take advantage of booking this picture; the word of mouth advertising created by it increases its popularity during its run. “The superb cast headed by Laura La Plante handle their respective parts admirably. “My business with this picture was exceptionally big, and this is the first time I have experienced such a wholehearted demonstration by any audience witnessing a picture, the enthusiastic outburst during the running of the film and the shrieks were so loud that at times it became deafening. “I wish to congratulate you and the Universal Film Corporation on their wonderful line-up of product for the new season.” — Arthur Friedman, Managing Director, Rialto Theatre, Racine, Wis. Thinks New C. S. C. Worth Big Increase ((T FEEL so elated over the fact 1 that I can now sit back and rest easy, I am going to write you a few lines and tell you the cause of it all. ‘'For years I have been a buyer of Universal pictures. Some years I have done much better with them than others, but taking the situation year after year they have been most successful for me. “Your Mr. Rosenthal called on me a few days ago and, as you know, I have again signed up for your marvelous Complete Service Contract and also for the Specials. “You will note that I have paid you considerably more for the Complete Service this year, more than I ever intended to pay for pictures, but after carefully studying your entire product for the coming year I feel that even though I have paid much more than ever before I will be amply repaid on my investment through the immense box-office power of this group of outstanding pictures. “If realization meets my anticipation I will be most satisfied and I am certain it will this season more than ever before.” — Ralph A. Steele, Manager, Alexandria Amusement Company, Alexandria, Va. Wants 20 Episodes Of “The Collegians” t<T MUST write and tell you how I good ‘The Collegians’ are going. A I have only shown two episodes so far; but from the results received wish it was in 20 episodes. I knew from the first episode that it was going to go over big.” — C. T. James, Nemo Theatre, East Bartow, Fla. Entirely Satisfied With Two C. S. C.’s ( i T HAVE used your complete service contract for the past two years and find it entirely satisfactory.” — John Scheif enheimer , Falls Theatre, Chagrin Falls, Ohio.