Universal Weekly (1933-1935)

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10 UNIVERSAL WEEKLY April 22, 1933 RADIO SHORTS filled with STAR NAMES Universal captures cream of ether waves in its series of tworeelers being made by Rowland and Brice. Waller Winchell, appearing in “I Know Everybody and Everybody’s Racket,” “ Beauty on Broadway” and two other productions. Next week we will give you the names of hundreds of first run theatres which have run the Winchell picture. Morton Downey has brought to the screen a number of personalities like the composers Lew Brown, Ray Henderson, Dave Dreyer and Joe Young; orchestra leaders like Vincent Lopez, Jack Renard and Freddie Martin; and announcers like Norman Brokenshire, James Wallingford and John S. Young. Other names prominent in the Radio shorts are Arthur Tracy, Buddy Rogers, Little Jack Little, Irene Beasley, the Boswell Sisters, Sherlock Holmes, Alice Joy, Sally O'Neill, Nick Stuart, Nils Granlund and Abe Lyman. Morton Downey, star of four two-reelers, each filled with many of radio’s great names. AS the production schedule on the Rowland and Brice two-reelers progresses, names of the great and the near-great in radio pile up in these Universal radio shorts. The Walter Winchell feature already released has established records for two-reelers for bookings, for attendance and for enthusiastic enjoyment on the part of the audiences. Winchell even includes the name of the great star, Paul Whiteman, in his cast with Art Jarrett, Jack Fulton, Ruth Etting, Irene Taylor and Joan Castle. + + + “Be Mine Tonight ” Hailed ( Continued from Page 5) McCone, Mr. William McCracken, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Taliaferro, Minister of Albania Faik Konitza, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trowbridge Tittman, Mrs. Leon Arnold, Mrs. Martha Whitcomb, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lee Boatwright, Jr., Mr. A. V. Dalrymple, Director of Prohibition, Mrs. J. Edgar Hoover, Senator Felix Herbert, Mr. Frederick Morton, Mr. John Reyburn, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Vidal. The Ambassador of Turkey, Mr. Ahmet Muhtar, the Ambassador of Great Britain and Lady Lindsay; the IT’S A LAUGH! Robert Benchley, one of the world’s greatest humorists, doesn’t know any more about Technocracy than 110,000,000 other people. So lie tells us all about it in “Your Technocracy and Mine” O A UNIVERSAL SHORT • Ambassador of Cuba and Senora de Cintas, the Ambassador of Poland, Mr. Stanislaw Patek, the Ambassador of Italy, Signor Augusto Rosso, the Y \ Secretary to the President Stephen Early and Mrs. Early College Humor Praises “Destination Unknown ” "Destination Unknown" is the experiment in idealism — the novelty of the month. A crippled rum cruiser, minus its captain and with a crew demented by tormenting thirst, drifts helplessly until The Stowaway appears, heals the sick, calms the warring crew, and guides the ship safely to harbor, where he disappears. Ralph Bellamy gives a restrained, electric performance as The Stowaway. Larry Reid * * * Minister of Switzerland and Mme. Peter, the Minister of Finland, Mr. Axel Leonard Astrom, the Minister of Greece and Mme. Simopoulos, the Minister of Sweden and Mme. Bostrom, the Minister of Norway and Mme. Bachke, the Minister of Crechoslovakia and Mme. Veverka, the Minister of Roumania, Mr. Charles A. Davila, the Minister of Denmark and Mme. Wadsted, the Minister of Canada and Mrs. Herridge, the Minister of Ecuador and Senora de Zaldumbide, the Postmaster General and Mrs. James A. Farley, the Secretary of Agriculture and Mrs. Henry A. Wallace, the Secretary of Labor, Miss Frances Perkins.