Universal Weekly (1933-1935)

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PRODUCT FtT? TTTTT TTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTT ttttti ONE-REEL SUBJECTS 7A OSWALD THE LUCKY RABBIT well-knoun and justly celebrated cartoon star in the funniest antics of his career! 13 13 7 STRANGE AS IT SEEMS Oddities from all over the world to amaze and thrill. Backed by John Hix’s drawing in scores of newspapers. GOOFYTONE NEWSREEL The newest and brightest and funniest idea on the screen. Screaming burlesques of “almost” news events. AROUND THE WORLD WITH MARK HELLINCER A trip to the most interesting and thrilling out-of-the-way spots of the globe with one of the most famous columnists in America.