Universal Weekly (1933-1935)

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to IN SCREEN THRILLS I THE very tiptop in screen thrills has at last been achieved!... No person anywhere has ever seen its equal ... It is the very finest collection of daring and unique shots made, sometimes at the risk of life and limb, by those gay, nervy, ever-ready musketeers of the motion picture business— the newsreel camera men.. .It is the grandest of entertainment... It is all true, real, right from life ...While you and your fans sit safely in your theatre, you will view events which were photographed at terrific hazard and under the most trying conditions. ..You will see the biggest thrills in modern history just as they happened — not faked, but so real as to bowl you over ... If you want to be in first on probably the greatest sensation of recent years, get an early booking on "The World’s Greatest Thrills" and then advertise it for all you are worth!