Universal Weekly (1933-1935)

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1 May 12, 1934 E : UNIVERSAL WEEKLY _ -^3 THIS NEWS Universal could not possibly be in such sound condition unless the greater portion of its customers were in good shape, too. We go up or down as the business of our customers goes up or down. The fact that we are turning that corner (instead of waiting for prosperity to turn it) is proof enough that most of our customers have turned it — some of them without even realizing it. In this world no one gets back more than he gives out. Universal has given to its customers a good average of money-making pictures and now we are feeling the effects of it. But before we could feel the effects, the larger part of our customers feel the benefit of it. That is as it should be in all business. We've sailed some stormy* seas in the past quarter of a century and especially since the Fall of 1929 — but we're right here on the job, right side up and ready to act again as a bulwark of safety and security for you. Universal and those who rely upon Universal can now look forward with contented minds upon the future.