Universal Weekly (1933-1935)

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Watch This by LLOY& C. bi 7 ' DOUGLAS | -rfn\( (J When — ^ vou see the queenly IRENE DUNNE . n Lloyd Cagnif1_ D°^rSN:>U will understand | CENT OBS talent is eagerly sought why h^vfx^ptl1?roducers And equally nice by all the big prod^fROBERT TAYLOR things may DUNNE. Of the who co-stars w?th is often said story, n°w 'n'read.are never the same that those who reaa n , picture again.. However tha^ ^ yQU will be an even g . living and speak I aU the Lne characte that master in l 1 No picture , you have ever *leg screen is anything like ^"imonD JIM ” True, historic person••DIAMOND JIM “ d but no modern s^^fessssss srsr-t %±~jssss£. ^WARD^VnOLD bum mto the starring ranks with this B1NNlE BARNES and OTsfb1 asd “4 , Now in production the re Edward Arnold. Co sta YouNC Robert SALLY ElLERS, .RO® n Ed Brophy. Armstrong. Regina Ratoff, Louise jack LaRue, ^!|^yArthurTreacher, Henry.GeorgeMeeke £jon Seyffertitz, Monroe Owsley, ,ta James Whale. Rafaela O«.ano. D.recto ucnoN. A CARL LAEMMLE. Jr.^K ^ ^ fac C<,miM-',SUnt»'S GOID" an American Epic UNIVERSAL i* ‘"V'-'jt 0'|d"f»Mtic .torn, ideas, in "ew got. ~ nktured. Can’t you think W!’iche?,,Vpu?eontyour thinking cap '^oTSSi "• Jhyo"u T‘ V° UNIVERSAL 'pictures. T. personally, will be the ,udge. telling u» now • i,l be ibe >un TURES. I, personally. * vy,t>n VA/ aJ^1Aylo I ^ * MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION After six months in preparation, di rector John M. Stahl has begun filming Lloyd C. Douglas' five year best sellei “MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION," o UNIVERSAL studios. IRENE DUNNE, charming, popular dramatic star of Mr. Stahl's memorable “Back Street" has the first starring role in this new human interest drama and ROBERT TAYLOR, believed by Hollywood critics to be the most promising leading man in American films today, isseenoppo site the star. Initial scenes for “MAGNIFICENT OB SESSION" were made against the back ground of an immense studio set dupli eating the huge French liner, Normandie Director Stahl plans to employ more than 1500 “extras" in atmospheric "shots" for the early scenes of the production. "DIAMOND JIM," which has made ai important star of EDWARD ARNOLD, i crowding theatres in America and else where. There never has been another character like "DIAMOND JIM." He wa an American product who made a tre mendous fortune and gave it away. The picture must be near you now. * A * "HANGOVER MURDERS," Adam Hob house's great story, produced by CARL LAEMMLE, Jr., directed by JAMES WHALE, an intensely dramatic play, again fea tures EDWARD ARNOLD and an all star cast including — Constance Cummings, Sally Eilers, Robert Armstrong, Robert Young, Reginald Denny and others of their distinction, is on the way. Watch for itl See itl And enjoy an evening of unalloyed entertainment. * * * “SUTTER’S GOLD” — A VAST SPECTACLE IS J UST ABOUT GOING INTO PRODUCTION * * * A check for 550 will be sent to you if you can write, us an acceptable idea telling us how to improve Universal Pictures. I, personally, will be the judge as to the best letter. Thomas M. Johnston, Columbus, Ohio, and Larry Woodin, Wellsboro, Pa., have received 550 for their ideas. UNIVERSAL fl) PICTURES V CARL LAEMMLE. President Rockefeller Center New York City .mm, ojslssmk IsioJr^Pi^^CENT OBSES | p: rri" “ “~i is fear, iS’S'sssSfe® Idunnf d dj by the eior: 1 splendid, ICharlea ROBERT 8Ta YLoiRENE ■ directed hUtterw°rth, Betty F.R with /STAHL. & successful ^JOHN ’ Inal I Have,, **.. dateof release.' IjM” MffSi^WAMOND I the title role? w AKD ARNOl r> , |famAemfoy'h^ ^'■^hero J hangover (production Zh u MUrDERS >• — ^uncements. * wu Lr,ti cti0lD’" ,NT0 ^Obucvot lloGH0,NG | h&eg&'sss&sd