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Universal Weekly (1933-1935)

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Sept. 7, 1935 = UNIVERSAL WEEKLY -97 ‘Frankenstein’ Pays Off In Mexico City, Osaka Osaka. — “Bride of Frankenstein” is doing good business at the Osake Skachiku theater, despite the typhoon. Mexico City. — A sellout business is being done by “Bride of Frankenstein” at all the houses on the Regis circuit. Just an enlargement of an item in the Hollywood Reporter of August 31st. It shoivs how the “Bride of Frankenstein,'’ is cleaning up outside of the United States, as well as in. Even a typhoori could not stop the business is Mexico. “ Frank enstein” is doing this kind of business everywhere it plays in the United States and outside. Edgar A. Guest, Poet-Philosopher and Newspaperman Signed by Universal Pictures to Write and Act P EELING that the screen needs • more pictures dealing with the typical American home life and ideals, Carl Laemmle, president of Universal Pictures gave a long term contract last week to Edgar A. Guest, newspaperman, poet and philosopher and will make him a star in film plays along these lines. His Universal pictures will be Guest's initial cinema venture. After weeks of negotiation Laemmle sent studio men to Chicago last week to make a talking screen test of Guest. When the noted writer and radio commentator proved to have exceptional natural acting talent, as well as screen personality, the Universal president sent a representative to Detroit by plane with a contract for Mr. Guest's services not only as an actor but as a dialog writer. According to present plans Mr. Guest's cinema debut will be as the principal character of a domestic drama suggested by one of his own verses, "Home." Two other pictures are to be filmed before next summer. Guest's books of verse number more than a score. His writings appear daily in 200 leading newspapers. His weekly radio broadcasts have proved so popular that within the period of two years he has risen from 48th to ninth among the nation's air favorites. Guest has been a newspaper writer nearly 40 years. He has never quit a job or been discharged in his life. He has been connected with the Detroit Free Press ever since he began writing. His verse has been syndicated by only one man and for 16 years his books have been published by only one firm. He has lectured in nearly 3,000 towns and cities of America. His unique Universal contract provides that he will never be cast in anything but a ’straight' role and that his dialog in pictures will be of his own writing. "I look upon Mr. Guest as one of the great screen stars of tomorrow," Mr. Laemmle states, "He is a leader in the field of modern American wit, vision and understanding. He knows American minds, hearts and homes and I know of no man better qualified to present the philosophy of the father and home builder of today, on the screen."